
Alternative Style Spotlight: Third Eye Piercings

By now most of us have heard of a bridge piercing, the horizontal surface piercing performed at the upper part of the nose bridge right between the eyebrows.  A vertical bridge piercing occurs in t...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Dermal Piercings Overview

Any piercing that’s referred to as a “dermal” is basically a non-traditional piercing.  What does this mean?  Well, the easy difference is that a traditional piercing has both an entry point and an...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Beauty Isn’t Skin Deep, But Dermals Are

I’m going to start off by making it clear exactly what I’m talking about today.  When I say dermal, I’m referring to a piercing that utilizes some sort of anchor to be embedded under your skin and ...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Hot New Trends in Body Piercing

There are a lot of fun, new, and interesting piercings popping up all over the world these days, and some of them really caught our eye.  So here’s a list of some of the coolest, sweetest, most con...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Microdermal Implants: Body Jewelry Wave of the Future

In the past couple years, a new rage has developed in the arena of body modification and piercing: the dermal implant.  Before this handy fresh mod existed, the only way to get the look of gems or ...