search for piercing shops near me
body piercing

How To Find Body Piercing Shops Near Me: Choosing The Right Piercing Studio

We're not saying proximity shouldn't be a factor in your search for the right piercing shop. In fact, the piercer closest to your home may in fact be the best shop in your area! But there are other...
Professional Body Piercing Checklist: What to Look for in a Piercer

Professional Body Piercing Checklist: What to Look for in a Piercer

Encyclopedia of Body Piercings: Industrial Barbell Cartilage Piercing
body candy

Encyclopedia of Body Piercings: Industrial Barbell Cartilage Piercing


Stefanie’s Septum Piercing Video

Money Shot: 0:36 Like most piercings, James starts by cleaning the area around the piercing. Then he uses his fingers to find the placement of the holes for the piercing on the inside of the nostri...