Modification Culture

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Ahead of the Game in 2014

It’s official; 2014 has begun.  For a lot of us the new year marks not only the end of one natural cycle, but more notably the beginning of another.  This one time of year, at the very beginning, i...
Body Jewelry History

A Day in December: Celebrating the Winter Solstice

Christmas is coming on fast (just a few days away!), but there’s something else worthy of merriment this week.  It’s a day that’s been celebrated since the ancients roamed the earth: the celestial ...
Modification Culture

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: A Recipe For Modified Holiday Sweets

Now that we’re living in a modified world, it’s time that we incorporate the way we live our lives into the celebration of our favorite holidays.  So without further pomp or ado, here’s some of our...
Modification Culture

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Doing the Dimple Thing

Dimples are fast becoming an integral part of the lifestyle within the modification community, with more and more dimple piercings coming to the forefront via social media.  A favorite amongst up a...
Men's Jewelry and Fashion

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Long Hair, Don’t Care

Every now and then there are certain cultural changes which come forth as a specific generation blossoms from the “influenced” to “those who influence.” As time moves on, social stigmas change from...
Holiday Jewelry

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Taking Back Thanksgiving

Within the intricate planning, advertising overload, bundling of cash and plastic, and self defense training that comes with ‘merica’s newest favorite holiday, lies a day which once meant something...
Holiday Jewelry

The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Tattooed Holiday Tea Party

  With all of the “traditional” (read square) holiday parties that are popping up every year, why not opt for something a little more modern?  The tattooed tea party has been catching on, and it’s ...
Body Art and Extreme Modification

Beauty is Pain – So Why Do We Get Pierced?

Body piercing is by no means a new trend; it has been around in some fashion since the beginning of time.  There are a number of reasons that a person would choose to get pierced.  Many are persona...
Body Jewelry History

Jewelry Symbolism Then and Now: Animal Magnetism

Throughout history many civilizations have coexisted with, identified with, and even worshipped various animals.  We’ve revered them as deities, building statues in their honor, and assigned them b...