Body Art and Extreme Modification
Extreme Modern Body Modification: Piercing and Suspension
For anyone who doesn’t know, “suspension” is the act of piercing various points in the skin with large hooks, and then using those piercings to hold the weight of the body as it is suspended or lif...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Only Human: Body Modification Across the Universe?
Body modification has existed on Earth for thousands of years, since the beginnings of recorded and discovered history, and perhaps for as long as the human species has been around. But what about...
extreme body mod
Masters of Modification: Maria Jose Cristerna – Transformation
Earlier in her life, trained lawyer Maria Jose Cristerna may have been passed on the street without a second glance, but now, she can hardly step out the door without getting some pretty interestin...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Moda Extrema: Body Modification Around the World
In the modern sense, many of us think of body modification as piercings and tattoos, but historically, true body mod has included so much more. From foot binding in china, to corsetry in the UK, a...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Masters of Modification: Elaine Davidson – Pierced and Proud
She’s not just the most pierced person in the world, she beats everyone else by a few thousand! I’m talking about the colorful, vivacious, and fearless Elaine Davidson. Elaine Davidson (source: WG...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Masters of Body Modification: Julia Gnuse – Tattoo Cover
Out of every woman in the world, she’s one of just a handful who can honestly say they’re a living work of art. She’s Julia Gnuse, the illustrated lady, or to followers of Guinness, the most tatto...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Masters of Body Modification: Ethel Granger – Piercings and Laces
She’s one of the coolest women ever to become famous for body modification: Ethel Granger. Ethel is known for having the smallest waist ever recorded due to corsetry. She also grew a collection o...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Modern Primtivism: Extreme Modification in the Modern Era
Beginning many decades ago, body modification has been on a slow upward climb in terms of acceptance in Western culture. But what about the forms of modification that were already in practice arou...
Body Art and Extreme Modification
Stretching the Boundaries: The Rise of Non-Standard Gauging
For a long time there has been a pretty clear line between what might be considered a standard piercing and what falls into the category of extreme modification. A classic staple of extreme mods h...