Allergic Reactions and Piercing Care: What Metals and Materials are Right for You . . . Part TWO!

Allergic Reactions and Piercing Care: What Metals and Materials are Right for You . . . Part TWO!

When it comes to the metals and materials used to create your body jewelry there is always new and changing information. At Body Candy we do our best to help you make an informed decision but we ...

Hemp, Hemp, Hooray! Happy 4/20!

With the growing acceptance of all things cannabis lately, the 20th of April will carry more of a reason for celebration than ever before. No matter your choice on whether or not to participate in ...
Allergic Reactions and Piercing Care: What Metals and Materials Are Right for You?
allergic reactions

Allergic Reactions and Piercing Care: What Metals and Materials Are Right for You?

Do you want to know more about what you are putting into your piercings? This is basic information about some of our most popular and commonly used styles. Stop by next week for ongoing informatio...
alternative fashion

Take Yourself to the Ball Game with Licensed MLB Jewelry!

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks! It’s that time of the year: the start of the regular baseball season for Major League Baseball. After a great opening night on Sunday, we have a lot to look fo...
ball captive ring

Don’t Drop the Ball: A Guide to Frustration-Free Fashion with Captive Rings

We’ve all been there – you’re putting in your new body jewelry and the ball drops to the floor, never to be seen again. For those accidents that occur with a bead captive ring, you’re going to need...
Alternative and Gothic Fashion Now

Captivate with Captive Rings: Style Guide

One of the perks of using captive rings is that they are such a versatile option and can be worn in just about any type of piercing. Some popular sites that captives can be used for include septum ...
alternative fashion

Find Your Fit: A Sizing Guide for Captive Rings

Captive rings come in so many different sizes that there are very few piercings in which they cannot be worn. To size a captive ring, two measurements are needed: the gauge size and the diameter of...
Alternative and Gothic Fashion Now

Universal Nipple Rings are Back in Stock!

Upgrade to the next level in nipple piercing jewelry with one of the most exclusive and hottest trends available right now: universal nipple rings. This versatile piercing decor is super easy to us...

Medical Myth or Remedy Reality: Can the Daith Piercing Cure Migraine Headaches?

One of the most talked about trends in body piercings today is the daith cartilage piercing and the claim that getting this ear piercing will help to cure frustrating migraine headaches. It’s small...