Money Shot at 0:32
Second tongue piercings are becoming increasingly more popular. Placement of the piercing depends on initial planning. Most commonly the piercings will be one in front of the other down the middle as shown in this video, but either side of the tongue can be done as well (venom bites.)
In this video, Frank adds a second piercing to his already pierced tongue. His tongue is cleaned and sanitized, then temporary marks are made on both the top and underside for placement. The piercer then uses a clamp to hold the tongue steady and align the markings. The piercing needle goes up through the tongue, and a cork is applied to the end to cover the pointed end. The jewelry itself (a 14 or 12 gauge straight barbell) is inserted by following the needle directly through the hole and out through the top. A ball is then screwed onto the end to secure the jewelry and complete the process.
Healing time is about 4-8 weeks for tongue piercings. Venom bites may take longer to heal.