Having difficulty completing your order?
From time to time customers experience difficulty placing an order on BodyCandy.com. One of the most common problems is when customers attempt to complete their purchase they are returned to the login page to sign into the store again. Typically this can be caused by three things.
  1. Customer's browser configuration is off
  2. Cookies are disabled
  3. Personal firewall settings are too strict

Please use the information below to help adjust your browser's settings. If you continue to have difficulty with the site please contact us. Note the instructions below apply to issues with Internet Explorer.

Reset Default Security Settings:
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options
  3. Click on the Security tab.
  4. Click the Internet icon
  5. Click the Default Level button
  6. Click on the Privacy tab
  7. Click the Default button
  8. Click the OK button

You may also want to add BodyCandy.com as a trusted site click here for instructions. Your security setting are now reset. You must close and open a new browser session for the new security levels to take place.

Optional:  Reboot your PC. Then go to Start --> Control Panel --> Internet Options and Clear your cookies. Then open Internet Explorer again.

Cookies must be enabled for you to use this site. Cookies are transient session variables are used on our web site to remember who you are after you login or enter information to be updated. This information is stored temporarily in a cookie. A number of the shopping cart features on bodycandy.com such as your shopping cart and an address book require the use of cookies to pass information from one web page to the next. This requires that cookies be enabled on your browser. These cookies last for the duration of your user session. No passwords are stored in cookies.

Your browser appears to have cookies enabled.

Modify your security/firewall/anti-virus software settings: Security/firewall/anti-virus software can sometimes affect how browsers handle cookies. Please make sure you have cookies enabled in your software, or add "www.bodycandy.com" to your "safe list" of sites. Instructions on how to adjust your personal firewall settings are located here