Enter Your Email Below and Get Paid To Make Videos Today!
When you enter your email below, you'll get access to a public Google Drive folder containing tons of raw clips of my content that has done very well in the past.
You can edit these videos however you want (creativity is encouraged)...
And post them wherever you want (I encourage you to create new accounts on TikTok, Instagram, and/or Youtube Shorts).
And here's the scoop...
If your video gets 10k views, I'll give you $20.
If your video gets 50k views, I'll give you $50.
If your video gets 100k - 500k views, I'll give you $100.
If your video gets 500k+ views or more, I'll give you $250.
If you hit the 500k+ view level, the bonuses compound (but ONLY at the 500k+ view level)…
So, if you hit 500k views with one video, you will earn:
$20 (10k views)
PLUS $50 (50k views)
PLUS $100 (100k views)
PLUS $250 (500k+ views)
For a grand total of…
Drum roll please $420
All you have to do is ensure my handle is tagged in the video's caption and prove your results with a link to the vid and a screenshot of the analytics (send it to my DMs on IG @BodyCandy).
Please note: these must be legit views as I will know within the screenshot if they're not.
No limit on how much you can be paid. Just focus on the results and you'll be taken care of!
Side note: If your video hits the bonus threshold and is edited well, you will get a 30-minute call with me about a potential full-time position with my team making an additional 3-5k/month plus bonuses.