Shades of blue and green have been dominating the Summer, so it’s no surprise that those beautiful blues are expected to continue as a fierce fashion staple into the wonderful weather of Fall. Summer shades like aqua, turquoise, and cerulean will keep going long after the warm weather ends, and added to their brilliance we’ll see deep, luscious sapphire and soft grayish blues begin to work their way into our fabulous Autumn wardrobes.
For those who live in climates where the Fall allows for bare bellies, keeping to an upbeat pallet with lovely oceanic hues like aqua is a great way to set off a casual, understated outfit.
The same can be said for ear accessories as well. For all blue-haired beauties and those with raven, purple, plum, and sultry crimson locks, a little hint of blue-laced sparkle pays off huge. If you have stretched lobes natural stones like lapis and sodalite are a great choice for maintaining a laid back natural look.
Fashion Extra: to really make a pair of turquoise earrings pop, a swath of matching eye shadow definitely hits the spot. Pair with ruby lips or shimmery cool-toned gloss, and it’s a match made in beauty heaven.