Anyone who has piercings can enthusiastically say they love their body jewelry, but sometimes getting those beautiful adornments in and out of their homes on your body can be frustrating. That’s why we here at BodyCandy are proud to offer tools that make your life a little easier, and getting your look perfected even more attainable.
Captive Rings or often known as BCRs, come in a wide variety of colors and styles, but as those who have tried to wear them know, they can be downright impossible. The solution is to make it easier for the ball the pop in and out of the ring, so here we have ring opening pliers. These when used properly, will create enough wiggle room, to allow the ball to be more easily placed onto the ring. The instructions for use read as such:
1. Place nose of opening pliers into the center of the captive ring.
2. Squeeze handles until the captive ring is held fast by the pliers and rests within the appropriate grooves.
3. Squeeze the handles gently until the captive opens just slightly and the captive bead comes loose. Be careful not to squeeze the captive too much or the piece may become damaged.
Start by using the tool in small increments, and then remove the jewelry from the tool and check to see how easy or difficult the ball is to remove. This way you won’t bend the ring too far. If you do, that’s ok, we have a tool to bend it back into a smaller fit as well!
Holding those ball ends can be slippery and aggravating. And you also risk dropping and losing them as well. Featured on the left the the tool used to adjust a ring smaller, should you have made it too large with the tools above as previously mentioned. In the center is a tool for grabbing ball ends, if you have them rolling around in a jewelry box or tray. The last tool on the right can be used to hold the ball end while you are placing in into the grooves to fit the captive ring.
So next time so you see a really cute captive ring, don’t be discouraged and pass it by! Now you can purchase this style of body jewelry with confidence, knowing you won’t have to fight with it, to wear it.