The barbell piercing worn in the ear cartilage goes by a few different names : The barbell is called an industrial barbell, construction bar, or industrial project bar. Sizing of these bars varies depending on the person, because everybody’s ears are a different size.
Industrial piercings are commonly done with a 14 gauge needle. The jewelry itself can range anywhere from 28mm to 50mm in length. You’ll need to ask your piercer or have your ear measured to ensure you are getting the right fit. The angle of the holes and the distance they are apart from each other will greatly effect whether an industrial barbell fits your ear or not. The ball ends of the barbell will be a 5 or 6mm screw fit. (Ball ends can be removed using our Body Piercing Ball Removal Tool)
As with any piercing, if you’re having difficulties finding the right fit or inserting/removing your jewelry, visit your piercer. They’ll be more than happy to assist you!