Side Sleeping with a New Piercing!
How are ya! Welcome to the Tea!! You made it!! Got a new piercing but you are a side sleeper?? Don't fret, Jade has some tips!!
You just got a new piercing! YAY!! Now how do you sleep without irritating your new ear piercing? I have some tips for you!! BUT FIRST, clean your piercing before you call it a night!
Investing in some special pillows will help! Get a pillow, like an airplane pillow that will surround the head but not let your ear have direct contact with the pillow and not irritate your healing piercing. Or maybe try a body pillow to keep you on the "right" side, when you try to turn over in the night it will force you to stay on that side.
If you have long hair make sure to put that mane up, it will definitely get all mixed up with your new piercing and create all kinds of problems for you. We don't want any snags!
Make sure you clean your bed sheets and pillow sheets often! SO many things will add to the bacteria collection, and it's good to not risk getting that on your new piercing.
Hope these tips helped! If I forgot any tips, please send us an email to!! I'd love to hear from you!