How should you prep for a piercing?
Have you ever thought about prepping for a piercing? No!?
Prepping for your piercing is just as important as the actual piercing! It can keep things from going really, really wrong during and after. Kyra explains what you can do to have the best piercing experience ever!
Sleep - Your body functions best on a full night's sleep. It has a lot of work to do healing you piercing so the night before you go make sure to get a full 8 hours. The amount of sleep you get can also potentially determine how your body reacts to pain.
Caffeine & Alcohol - You might think that you can get around our previous point by loading up on caffeine the morning of your piercing. This is actually a pretty bad idea because caffeine can actually thin your blood which is a problem when it comes to body mods. The same goes for alcohol. If you're out drinking and partying the night before or the day of your piercing, you may want to consider rescheduling.
Food - Always eat before any piercing (or tattoo!) And we're not just talking about junk food. You want to give your body good nutritious food so that you have a stable blood sugar level when you go. If not, you run the risk of passing out which can be dangerous in some instances.
Pain Killers - These are best left for after your piercing if you really feel you need them. We'd advise not taking them before hand.
Mental Prep - Getting a piercing has a mental component to it as well. Don't psych yourself out! The best way to be at ease is to do your research so you can know that you'll have the best experience possible. Know exactly who you're going to, where you're going, check out reviews for other people's experiences with your piercer, and know what kind of jewelry you might want. Having a solid game plan can make getting a new piercing a breeze.