Body Candy Monthly Subscription Boxes - NEW Industrial & Septum Ring Clubs!
Friday September 21, 2018

The new Body Candy monthly clubs start October 1st! Introducing our industrial barbell club, and septum piercing club. In addition to the belly ring club, these new clubs can be added to your subscription for just $14.95 each. Want belly rings one month and septum rings the next? You can also swap between clubs!
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Good morning . Afternoon. Hello. Can you guys hear the music that's in the background of this? so that we don't have any music playing over me, 'cause I'm pretty sure that's probably what's going to happen. So I'm going to give everybody a minute to trickle in as usual, and then we have a bunch of big news. News. Hello, everyone. Hi, Miranda. Hi, Michelle. Hi, Cory. Let me see. Let me make sure I'm also properly volumed.
I might be talking quiet, too, so let me know if you guys have any weirdness with hearing me today. Hello, everyone. So I posted last night and this morning and let everybody know that we have some big news. Hello, first-timers. Hello. Big news, everybody. So I'm just going to keep saying, "Big news," for probably five more minutes, and then we will reveal. But I hope everybody had an awesome week. Happy Friday, Jenny. Samantha just bought a bunch of Halloween jewelry. Congratulations. I love Halloween jewelry. It's the bomb. I've been having so much fun.
Actually, that's kind of the first thing, I guess, I'll touch on, just so I don't forget it. Anybody that is messaging us on any of our social media platforms about any images you see with Halloween jewelry, and you click on it, and you can't find it, that's 'cause it's out of stock. So what I'm going to be doing, or have been doing already, is, you should make sure you're checking our Snap stories and our Instagram stories every day, and I will be updating you guys only on Halloween restocks right now. Can't do that with everything. But for anybody that's saying they have a bunch of stuff that they want, I ... Actually I have some of the jewelry with me.
So we're doing that huge give away at the end of this month. So any of this jewelry I show you today is included in that give away. So if you are trying to win some stuff, there's an Instagram one and there's a Facebook one. So you can enter both of them, and I believe they end at the end of this month. Congratulations, Destiny. I love new septum jewelry so much. It's my favorite. April, I'm glad that everything got straightened out for you. April was our $1000 gift card winner, just so everybody knows. So congratulations to her again. Good morning and good afternoon to everybody coming in. Let me see.
Congratulations on joining the belly ring club. That is wonderful. I've actually been planning. I've got us planned out through May right now on the belly ring club. So I'm pretty pumped about that. Adrian, you're totally not the only dude here, but thanks for being here. No, I like ... Everybody's welcome here. We just kind of hang out and talk. If you have any questions about your piercings, anybody, feel free. And just a friendly reminder, I don't actually see every comment coming in. I only see specific, it shows me a couple. So if I ever miss anything, I'm so sorry. We do go back between me and couple of the other customer service people and make sure that we comment and respond to all of your questions.
I'm so glad to hear people are joining the belly ring club. Our customer service is the best. I can't say that enough. They're wonderful. So ... Congratulations, Mackenzie. So many people saying they got new stuff. It's the best. I've seen so many great pictures this week on all of our social media from people getting stuff in the mail, which is always exciting for me. Hello, hello, everyone coming.
So I'm not going to wait any longer, 'cause I've been dying to tell you guys what's going on. So here it is. I wish I had props and stuff to make this all very exciting. Hello, first-timers I see coming in. So Leslie, first off, is asking about the belly ring club. Let me start there. The belly ring club is $14.95 a month. It is a subscription box, so you get it regularly, once a month, kind of like Ipsy or Birchbox or anything like that, but with jewelry, with belly ring jewelry. $14.95, if you live outside the U.S. there's an extra $5 flat rate shipping per month. But each month you get three pieces. One piece is hand crafted exclusively by our wonderful hand-crafted department and created here so it exists nowhere else in the world. The other two pieces are exclusives that we do not sell on the website.
Lizzie, we definitely have some Halloween helix stuff coming in that's super cute. It's just not on the website yet. It will be soon. So yeah, $14.95 for the three belly rings, three belly rings that you can't always just grab, which is the best and very exclusive and exciting. It's kind of like being on the DL or getting special treatment, 'cause you get special jewelry that we don't just sell to everybody. And it varies. I mix them up. I don't think I have a current month on me. Maybe I do. But I'll show you guys July, just to show you guys kind of an idea of what you can expect.
We've been mixing up the metal finishes. We've been mixing up the stone finishes, thing like that. Our Snapchat is, and on Twitter we are @bodycandy. Instagram is @bodycandy. And then you guys are already on Facebook. We also have a YouTube, which sorry to everybody that I said I was going to go on YouTube Live last week. Couldn't get into it. That is fixed. So tonight or tomorrow I'm still going to be doing the YouTube Live from home, just so everybody knows.
That is so exciting. Okay, I love hearing that, when everybody comes in here and says that they feel a little uncomfortable about getting pierced, that everybody is so encouraging. We have another belly ring piercing from some people that were encouraged a few weeks ago, so that's awesome. That makes me feel so good. Hello, everyone coming in. So yeah, this was July's, just to show you guys. This is like a glittery, crescent moon dangle. We went with kind of the summer music festival theme a little bit. This is a piece of actual quartz. Let me try to make sure you can ... Make sure you can see it. This is a little piece of cutie clear quarts and then the rainbow anodized star and the actual belly piece. I'm working on the lighting, guys. I'm trying to make sure everything's lit a little bit better so the camera doesn't auto focus so much. We're working on all that.
And then the third piece was a more simple. This one was the opalite, but it came ... there was a variation. So you could have gotten amethyst, aventurine, there was a bunch of different options. So each month it's the three pieces like that. Exciting, exciting news. We have two new clubs coming for you guys. Two. Two. That was four. Two. Two clubs coming, guys. So that's the big, exciting news. We will be starting them October 1. So as of midnight on October 1, you will be able to sign up for them. And ... Yay. Yay yay yay. I'm glad everybody's excited. We went through a lot of decision making in this process. Everybody's been really asking for this, and you guys really seem to love the clubs, so we wanted to give that to you.
And I felt so bad pushing you guys off and not really giving you an answer other than that we were working on it. But that was just the truth. We were trying to figure it out. Just to give you guys, I know you all kind of like to see behind the scenes and kind of know a little bit more, these clubs, not only do we have to ... I don't even know why I grabbed that package. I just wanted something in my hand, I guess. Not only do we have to pick the pieces and create the pieces and design them and get everything situated, but different piercings have different variations on size. So we started with the belly ring club 'cause belly rings run 14 gauge pretty regularly. Some people have a size up or a size down, which is not a regular size. 14 is pretty standard.
So we thought that the belly ring club was the best approach to start to get our feet wet, see how you guys liked it. So the two clubs that we are going to offer as of October 1 is, we will have an industrial bar club, which I already have put together. I just, I'm getting ready to take pictures of it later. So I'm pretty excited about that. And then we are also going to be doing a septum/daith club. So you will get, in each of those clubs, it'll still be the $14.95 a month per club. You can sign up for all three clubs if you want. You can sign up for one of them or two of them. You can do whatever you want to do. And we're hoping to bring you guys more options on that later.
But the industrial bars are all going to be 14 gauge, and we're going to keep the length around 38 millimeters, 'cause that's pretty standard. Just to give you guys an idea of what to expect out of that. And then with the septum jewelry, we will be doing it 16 gauge, and I think we're probably going to be averaging in the 5/16 range, because that's such a nice ... That's what I'm wearing right now. It's a nice size. It's not too big, so it's not going to be huge for people that don't like big pieces. And it's not going to be the quarter-inch, which is potentially way too small for people.
So everybody's body is different. We were trying to find average sizes. If you have a different size that you wished that I had just said, please drop it in the comments below, and we will definitely go back and review that. But that's where we're at right now. And I just wanted to let you guys know. You can't join those clubs until October 1. I'm so sorry to make everybody wait, but I did not ... You did. Industrial club. Yep. Yep, we're there. And so industrial and septum/daith. The daith pieces I say because septum clickers fit very nicely there, and because I'm not picking anything that is necessarily for a right or a left side. It can be universal.
So we tried to appeal to as many of you in one shot as we possibly could. Yeah. This has been crazy. So I've been working my little butt off for you guys for this, and I hope that you appreciate it. I hope you guys love it. It's been really exciting, but also, holy crap. So yeah, that's what we've been working on here the last couple days/months/everything. They will be ... So just to clarify, I see people asking. I say septum/daith because they're the same jewelry. So if you have a septum piercing, you could sign up for the club. Or if you don't have a septum but you have a daith, which is the one that lays right in here. This one, where it lays in your ear. Yeah, and if you have both, then you're rocking it, 'cause you can wear two pieces at once. You can mix and match them all over the place.
Yeah, ask your man, Makayla. Get him on that train. I'm so glad to see everybody that's reacting so well. So just to point it out, though, I do want to give you guys a heads up on this. For October I think we're going to have one Halloween piece in the industrial set. There isn't going to be a Halloween piece in the septum set, and I just want to be upfront about that, but only because we were deciding this at a time where we wanted to really get this to you and not make you wait any longer. But then from there on out, the clubs will be themed like they are for the belly ring club. So Christmastime we have all these themes planned out. We have a New Year theme, Valentine's/anti-Valentine's. We've got all sorts of stuff going on. So I hope you guys are really pumped about it.
The next few months are going to be insanely awesome, especially with social media. You're going to see me a lot. If you guys have any questions with Halloween jewelry or Christmas jewelry and stuff when the time comes, we're going to make sure that all that stuff is very easily accessible to you. Madison, we do want to do a nose club eventually. That's one of the ones, to explain my point a little bit further about why we were picking and choosing the way that we were. Nose rings can vary so much that it's a really hard one to do. People have 16 up to 22 gauge in their nose. So that's a lot of sizes. Plus lengths of the actual nose jewelry. Plus there's four different backing options. Plus metal finishes. There's just so many options. We have to figure out how to narrow that stuff down.
Rachel, there's always ... Every club, just to point that out there, is we ... one of goals is to mix up everything. So for example, I know for, already for the October one with the belly ring, we have ... I got a rose gold piece, and then so, based off of that, I swapped over. Sometimes you'll see two rose gold and a silver. Sometimes you'll see silver, rose gold, gold. Sometimes you'll see two gold. We're making sure that, if you're part of the monthly club, you are getting a really good mix. With the belly ring one, as well as really the other ones, I'm sure, over time, we're going to make sure that you guys not only get the really beautiful, gorgeous, elaborate, extravagant pieces for you to rock out in, but we're also going to get your basics going. We'll have those mixed in, and then that way you'll have a basic set, too, which is always really awesome.
The other thing that I thought of for you, because I love you guys so much, is the industrial bar club, I made sure that, at least for this first month, that the bars in that, both balls come off the end so they are a little bit more customizable. If you have an issue where you really like the ring, you could always buy yourself a longer bar and swap it out. I wanted to try to make everything work for everybody the best that I could. That is always my goal. I don't ever want people to feel left out. Let me scroll back up here for a minute and see what I've got coming in. Lots of people getting excited, which is good. Good, good, good.
Yes, Samantha. Samantha said she wears a 14 gauge in her septum right now and is considering switching to a 16. We just tend to carry more 16 gauge jewelry because that is the most common size for septums, and sizing down is not a big deal. So 14 gauge is bigger. 16 is a little smaller. Just for anybody that's watching that may or may not know. I don't know if any of you in here are on Snapchat, but I'm sure that some of you can attest to if any of you are ever interested in seeing some true, genuine moments. Last week, maybe the beginning of this week, I was switching my nose jewelry around, didn't realize what I was doing, tried to, I think maybe size up two sizes? I don't know what I did. But I pretty much almost passed out in my bathroom. And then had to go tell my husband, "Hey, if I pass out, don't take me to the hospital. I'm fine. I just poked my nose."
So I did a Snapchat straight up sitting on the floor in the shower. Oh, my God. I almost passed out. Make sure you eat before you ever get pierced or are messing with your jewelry. Snapchat is also the place in general that you'll always see the behind the scenes. That's me talking, that's me playing with my cats and my rats and all my critters, and just being goofy. I'm very ... That's the most personable platform with me. So if you love me, make sure you follow us on Snapchat. Last week I had put out a PSA on Friday on Snapchat about the different planning and having the days set up. Get Pierced Thursdays is coming back, Miranda. This week was a little too soon because I had not planned that ahead, but I wanted to make sure that everybody knows, we did get back on track. So Selfie Sunday, Meme Monday, Tip Tuesday, Hump Day Hauls on Wednesday. Thursdays will be Get Pierced. Fridays will be a day where, if nobody submits anything, I just clean out my phone of anything that I got throughout the week that I didn't get a chance to post. And then Saturdays will be Caterdays.
So that stuff is coming back. I just ... We had an issue with engagement for a little bit when they changed everything with Snapchat, and I didn't want to bore you guys or annoy you. The other things with Snapchat that's going to be happening is there's going to start being exclusive deals that only run through Snapchat. So PSA, if you like deals and coupon codes and seeing sneak peeks of things, Snapchat is where you want to be. That is going to be our little vault of secrets. So please come and join me on there. is the handle. @bodycandy is our Twitter. @bodycandy is also our Instagram. Instagram stories, we always are sharing people's hauls and stuff, if you like to see all different jewelry at once. And our feed is filled with beautiful selfies and pictures of people's ears and all sorts of stuff.
So make sure you're on all of our social media. As I said at the beginning of this video, we are running a bunch of give aways right now, so make sure you're in on those. Let me see. I saw a bigger comment up here. So people are suggesting surveys for the nose. We completely agree about that, about trying to get average sizes, but then, even then we aren't sure how many people will get excluded, and we don't want to exclude anybody. We're going to work out stuff for you. The plan is to bring you more, and I hope that you guys see that. We started the belly ring club in May. I've been telling you for a couple months that we were going to bring you more, and I followed through. I kept my promise. I did it. And we're going to keep doing it. So I hope that that was a little show of faith that we're working really hard and we're listening.
And we always appreciate all of your feedback. You guys are always welcome to DM us or Snapchat us with any of your ideas. I love seeing different people's ideas and things that they're looking for. Let me see. Samantha asked if she could go back and forth between the 14 gauge and the 16 gauge in her septum. I'm going to say, baseline, it might not be a big deal, but if anybody else does that regularly, you should comment. I don't usually try to put anything bigger in my nose, so I'm really not sure. It could be something you could try out. You could even grab, these seamless rings are like three bucks a piece. You could grab one of those just to try out a 16 gauge and try taking day in between each one and see. Can't guarantee, but I did figure out with my nose studs that that is not the case. So just listen to your body. Everybody's body is different.
Also being in a hot shower helps. The heat helps your skin relax and expand and is always the best place. Always make sure you're cleaning your hands and cleaning things before you touch them. Also don't over clean. We're getting a lot of people that are saying, messaging me and saying, "My belly button's infected. I'm cleaning it three times a day. What's happening?" You're cleaning it three times a day, it's too much. So you need to make sure that you ... Once a day is enough cleaning. You will remove the good bacteria and the good things that help you heal. So you don't want to do that.
Trina asked about the Instagram. No, or it will not. The exclusive deals and all that stuff is only going to be on Snapchat. So if you don't have Snapchat, guys, make sure you make one. It's going to be totally worth it. Even if I'm your only friend, I'm really fun. I promise. And I really, I'm sure a lot of people can attest, I really like messaging people back on there and helping. I love answering all your messages on Instagram and helping you guys pick stuff out. That's what I'm here for. So let me know. Hello, hello, hello. Anna just came in. We don't have a club set up for that yet, but the new clubs are industrial and septum/daith. Because they're the same jewelry, it's one club.
Thank you, people that are answering. Y'all are so on top of it. Yep, Kelsey. We did do survey to figure out what clubs you guys were interested in in general, and we worked with the top five to start and then kind of went from there. So there's definitely going to be more. Destiny asked about a segment ring in my septum. Let me ... Thanks, Destiny. So this is a seamless ... or a segment ring. So when it's closed it looks like a seamless ring, but it has a cute little hinge instead, which I love these on the go 'cause I don't always have pliers. And then you just hug it in there, and I stick my finger right up in there and then push them together, and they click right in, and it locks, so you don't even have to worry about it. They're really cute.
Let me ... I'm not completely a germaphobe, but ... but also, sponsor me, Purell. Can't have that. Can't have that. I'm so glad to hear about big orders. Make sure you send me pictures. I love seeing pictures of everything ever. The other thing I want to remember to say about Snapchat submissions while I'm thinking about it, and I'll definitely be reminding you guys, is when we ask for daily submissions, note, number one, one submission per person, please. I love sharing everybody's stuff. It's my favorite thing in the world. As I've said a hundred times already today, I don't like excluding people. But sometimes when we do like Caterday, I accept all animals, not just cats. And sometimes people will send me 12 pictures and then I share them all 'cause I feel bad, and then someone else gets left out at the end of the day. And I don't want to do that. So one submission per day.
And also, with the Get Pierced things, the other thing we're going to have to keep straight is when we put out the screenshot little application for you to fill out with all of your info on Get Pierced, please do not cross out the piercing I'm asking for and write in your own. I'm no longer going to be saving those. We started having too many people that were submitting whatever they wanted, and then I was trying to save them and use them later, and then I was getting yelled at 'cause I wasn't using them later 'cause people wanted to see themselves. I just want to, I want to help everybody all get to the same place. So keep that in mind.
Yes, they are called segment rings on the site. These little cuties, this is also in that give away I was talking about. These have ... These are segment rings, the ones with the little ... This is the pink gem one, but there's also the purple tanzanite and the clear or the aurora gem for those. Yep, clickers and segment rings are my favorite. They're so easy. Brittany, submissions for Snapchat. I don't know if you're on our Snapchat, but we do themed days of the week where I ask you guys for submissions of photos. You can send me pictures of yourself, and I post them. Or your kitties or your jewelry, all the stuff. So the crystal belly ring that I showed you was the monthly club belly ring from July, so you can't buy this. That's the whole catch. You got to be part of the club to get them, 'cause they're super special. But this is a hand ... Our hand-crafted department created this from scratch. This doesn't exist anywhere else.
If you have hopes of getting a hold of one of these, your best bet would be to grab one of the grab bags, the grab belly bags. We only have those in belly ring jewelry right now. Or, I'm sorry, August. You're right, Michelle. Maybe I mixed those two up. Either one. If it's a past month, they're just not available anymore right now. Unless potentially you can pull one in the grab bag. So those are cool. You can get a mixture. They come with a different variety of pieces in them. They're all a surprise. And we have thrown in a few extras each month from the belly ring clubs into those. So you have a chance to get them.
I have a couple of industrial earrings with me. I have this cute unicorn, this rose gold unicorn baby. It's so beautiful. And if you're interested in industrial earrings, make sure you sign up on October first. Oh, most important part that I almost forgot about the new clubs, sign ups I said start on October 1 at midnight? We are going to have limited placement for the first month. Limited placement. So you're going to want to make sure you get on it. Let me see. We have questions happening and I can't see everything.
Yeah, I think that Stephanie means seamless rings. So when you say that they can't close you mean like these ones? Where they have like the hingey where you open and close them? You can close these. Midnight Eastern Standard Time. That's a good question, actually. I wouldn't have thought of that. So, yeah. October 1 at midnight Eastern Standard Time, they will be available to, I think, we have 300 available spot for both, for each club. So make sure you get there. In the future we won't have that limitation, but because we are ... It's not even a limitation. It's very exclusive. That's how serious this is, guys. Take it seriously.
Yes, Sarah, just like Ipsy. So every month you receive a package, and it's curated, and it's beautiful. It's super fun. These, by the way, guys, the seamless rings? If you use pliers, you can get these all the way closed, and they look beautiful. And we've been getting so many of these really cute ... This is the planet. This is also included in that give away that's on Instagram right now until the end of the month. You can look for, there's a picture with a wooden tray, and it's got a bunch of jewelry laid everywhere. There will definitely be that. So, yeah, keep that in mind.
We do sell that stuff, Moira, but we are currently sold out. We also, we have a couple really cool tools that we sell sometimes. Let me see. I don't have the one with me right now. But for any of you that watched a couple weeks ago when we showed the ball grabber tool, we sold out of those. I will definitely let y'all know when those are back. Destiny, if you like the planet, you might also like the alien. We have a ton of new alien stuff coming in, like outer space themed, planets, which is all my favorite. And we do also sell the H2Ocean. I see Body Candy Customer Service commenting. We do sell H2Ocean in the salt rinse, the foam, and I think that's all I have in here right now.
So we do carry things to help you with after care and changing stuff out, but we sell out of that stuff really quick. So I will add those tools and stuff to the list of things I will keep you guys posted about in our stories, 'cause that's important. If you guys actually want to see a sneak peek, if I can get 10 people to comment ... a smiley face emoji is good enough, just a smiley face, I'll show you guys a little sneak peek of an industrial bar. So I have some other stuff here. This is also included in that giveaway. This is the braided BCR with the little turquoise ball. These are really cute. I actually think these are really cute in the septum, but also your daith, a helix, anything. Nose hoop, these are super cute, and they're a pretty standard size, so they're not huge.
April. April counted as three smiley faces. All right, guys. So this one's really goofy, but in the best way. Are you ready? I almost died this morning. It's so cute. We've been getting in all the craziest stuff for Halloween. I couldn't get over this this morning. It was so precious. Let me see what else we have here. I might have some other stuff we can sneak peek. If I can get 10 pumpkins in a row I'll sneak peek you guys a cartilage, a cartilage stud. Let me see. We also have this really cute cartilage ring that will be in that give away. It has all the different colored gems in the flower petals. It's gorgeous.
I know you guys all love sneak peeks, and if you love sneak peeks that much, like I said, Snapchat is absolutely where you should be. I accidentally sneak peek stuff on there sometimes, 'cause I'll forget. So you see all the best stuff. Okay, lots of pumpkins coming in. This is a Halloween stud, guys. Not only are we planning on getting those skull nose studs back in that I was talking about before, but we're going to have this cute little skull with a bow stud. I want to make sure you guys can see these. I got to use my forehead. It's for work. Look how cute. So this is very, very sweet.
Yeah, it's ... I will count a tomato. The pumpkin is under the festivally spot. There's ... It's in a spot you wouldn't think it would be, but I had to really look for it. So, yeah, this is definitely a brand new stud. It will be on the website very soon. And again, now that I'm showing you guys ... My forehead really does work so good. Now that I'm show you guys, I'll make sure I put an update when they're live on the website. I like that 'cause it's Halloween but still girly and kind of muted without being like, holy crap. There's different times and places for different stuff. Not so much now, but I used to have jobs where, for the holidays, I would always want to be a little fancy, and I had to kind of keep it toned down 'cause I didn't necessarily work places that were cool with piercings and tattoos and stuff. So, but now I do.
Yeah, no, there's tons and tons of stuff coming. All the Halloween jewelry is coming. We're getting there. Some of the other pieces that are included in that give away on Instagram right now that you should definitely make sure you go back and fill out. It runs through the end of the month. I wanted to make sure I found all three of them at the same time, but I can't, 'cause I'm a doof. There we go. The three-pack of the crescent moons will be included in that. These have been top sellers. The black one is one of my favorites to wear. I also really love, there's a maroon, creamy looking one. It's beautiful.
So, anybody talking about, I see somebody talking about displays and storage and stuff. If you guys are into anything like that, again I can't stress enough, Snapchat and YouTube Live. If you go to and you follow us, subscribe, hit the little bell so it gives you the alert when I go live. Those are places that I make jewelry boxes. I'm always making displays. I'm always rearranging my storage. I'm always doing things with my things. That's just the kind of person I am. So that's a really awesome place. I know when I first started working here, I had made a little bumblebee inspired jewelry box that I really loved. So maybe we'll do a craft session sometime on a live video or something where I'll show you guys how to make a really ... We'll do like a 10 bucks and under or 15 bucks and under something like that, Joann Fabric spree, and maybe we'll have some fun, and I'll take you guys live along shopping or something. We'll really go for it. If you guys are interested in anything like that, please leave it in the comments.
Thank you, Joy. This is a sweater skirt. It goes down to my thighs, and it's very, very comfy. Let me see. Samantha, I'm jealous. I want my medusa pierced so bad, but I'm not done with my Invisalign yet, so I have to wait. Christina, we wish we could do just Halloween-inspired boxes. That would be fun, but we can't. But the pieces, there's Halloween pieces in two of the boxes. Industrial and belly will have really cute little Halloween pieces in them. All right, we found the pumpkin. So I have a couple more pieces I can show you that are in that give away, and then I'll get out of here. The big news today is I mostly wanted to be able to make sure I could answer any questions about the belly ... or clubs, I should say now. I can't just say belly club only.
The cute little opal kitty bars that I show all the time are included in that. These are nipples bars. They're very cute. I love these so much. We also have this really cute little flower helix or tragus stud. It has the opal in the middle and the clear CZ petals. Let me see. If you go to Instagram for the give away, guys, there's a picture that you're going to see. You're going to see a real sneak peek, but it's kind of like a messy sneak peek, so you're not going to actually see anything. But just so you have a visual. You're going to see a picture with a wooden tray like this in the background. And then it's going to have a bunch of jewelry laid out on it, a whole cluster. It shouldn't be that far back. It was posted in the beginning of September.
So, let me see. Oh, the new clubs, they're all going to be $14.95. Each club is going to be the same cost, same shipping charge. All that stuff we're trying to keep pretty even across the board so that everything is very simple. You will still be able to manage your belly ring club/other club subscriptions with your account and always see ... You're going to be charged on the 7th going forward, and then we will be shipping out. So it'll be kind of like Ipsy where they do a set charge day every month. Your first bag is always going to be shipped out when you first order it, but then going forward scheduling wise, it will be laid out.
I'm also on that page. I'm ... Somebody's talking about Christmas jewelry. I'm so ready for fall in general. I have a whole list of fall activities that I want to do. So I'm very excited about that. Hopefully I actually do them, 'cause I'm usually kind of lazy about it. This hibiscus belly ring is included in that give away as well as, this has been one of my favorites for when I'm doing something fancy. This real long, dangly baby. It's rose gold finish, and then it's got teal, pink, the purple tanzanite, like a peach, and then a turquoise stone at the bottom. So these are really, really beautiful. And ... It's a pretty one. This is more like if you're wearing a skirt or something with a crop top, this is great. This is definitely not comfortable with high-waisted jeans on. I tried it, and I regretted it.
Allegra, absolutely. So that ... I shouldn't say absolutely. My goal in general is for that to be the case, and I can tell you with certainty that the first three bars for October do have the moveable charms, and they do have the ends that unscrew on both sides. And that's specifically because of that, because I figured, if any of you need a longer bar, you're either already going to have your longer bar or you can easily grab one on your own, and then you don't have to feel like you can't join the club 'cause you would just be able to swap your charms over. And I know that some people are usually asking me if you can take balls off of both sides of things for any kind of jewelry. So I figured you guys would want to know that. Like I said, I'm trying to average 38 millimeters on the bars for industrials because that seems to be pretty average. We carry 30 millimeters all the way up to, I think, 42 or 44, so there is obviously a huge range. But we did our best to kind of narrow that down.
Let me see. Oh, you know what, you guys? I'm doofy. I do have the belly ring of the month club for September with me right now. I just have it ... I couldn't see it through this plastic bag. It's Friday. Let me just grab some of them out. Well, now I feel a little bit better, 'cause I've been very unprepared about this for a few weeks. Let me just unbag these. Yeah, see, some people wear the really short bars, so we're going to make sure that we ... you'll be all set actually, already, I guess. No. Nobody will ever be disqualified for entering something twice. If anything, that's extra credit. It doesn't hurt anything. The only thing that would ever disqualify someone is if we found out they didn't do all of the steps that they needed, 'cause there's usually a couple steps. But they're very easy. Follow us, like the post, tag a friend. It's nice and easy.
Patricia, industrial and septum/technically daith, cause it's the same jewelry. Oh, I was un ... See? This is where I get caught up, 'cause I'm always talking. This is how I am in real life, so welcome to my world. One more and then I can show you guys. Well, maybe I don't have the last one. Oh, I'm so terrible. I'm a terrible, the most terrible. Okay, well, I have at least three of them. So the hand-crafted piece for this month is a rose gold finish. This is the outback or safari jasper. So it's a natural stone, and then the Swarovski teardrop is kind of a peachy color. These are really, really beautiful. I had such a hard time. I don't know if any of you guys are into rocks and stuff and stones. I love rocks. When I was a little kid, I would go find rocks everywhere and bring them home, and I don't know. I just had shelves full of rocks. So when I was packaging these up, it took everything in me to not be like, "Canceled. I'm keeping all the stones in the middle of them," 'cause they're all so different and beautiful.
Just to kind of give you guys an idea of the variations, I don't ... I hope you guys can tell through the bags, 'cause I don't want to unbag all these. But you can tell this one is super lined and kind of almost marbly, and then you have ones like these that are also marbly but they kind of look like the world. I'll just take this out. They kind of look like the world. I don't know how else to describe that. Forehead time. I should just, I'll just get a surface bar right here. I'll just start wearing the belly ring of the month club like this. I will be ... I will be the prop.
So, yeah, no. I love these. I'm done, guys. I've ... Man, I have not had enough sleep this week, so I'm just living ... I'm living on borrowed time. Thank you, Crystal. It did match my nails. My nails are real sparkly and black right now, which is my dream. I love that kind of stuff. Yeah, everybody loves rocks. When I was like 5, it was a treat for us to go on a nature walk at this place called Swallow Hollow, which is near where I grew up. It's this beautiful nature trail in the middle of the woods, and there's a swamp, and there's just all sorts of creatures. And I would go out there and just look at bugs and little creatures and pick up pine cones and leaves and rocks. And then I would come home and just glue them to paper and just hang them all over the living room.
So that's a little Allie story for you. You know what? The back of a mousepad seems like it would work, but it doesn't. And then we've made these blocks to try to help, but I think they might be a little too small. We're going to work on it. If the lighting was right, I wouldn't have that problem. I still just have to kind of perfect what shows you guys the best detail. It's also because I have an auto focus thing on my phone. So we are looking into switching over to a better camera, I think. Nope, I'm not bringing back any snakes, although I do love snakes now. I did not when I was a kid. Yeah, I used to, I think I broke the dryer once with some rocks in my pockets. [inaudible 00:43:29] So, yeah. I, when I was a kid it was shelves. Now I have a garden, so I just find rocks everywhere, and I'm like, "Oh, I'm just going to go put them in my garden. It'll be fine." So I have an excuse now. It's terrible for me.
Oh, so I showed you the hand-crafted piece. See? Sidetracked again. The second piece was a basic. This month is the September birthstone, so it's the sapphire blue, just a nice little simple basic for you. The third piece was a twister, 'cause I know that I've been trying to mix up the different kinds. Maybe I can tell you guys on the down low, since you're here watching live, that for, since we did the spiral for this month, I wanted to pick another interesting one for next month, and I picked a top knot. So I don't know if that's interesting to any of you, but that's all I'm going to tell you. So I've been trying to mix it up. I see people commenting about merch and apparel. Y'all are going to die when you see the merch and stuff we're going to have. It's so good. I'm loving the shirts and the hoodies that we already have. They're very comfortable. We have gotten in more colors. We've gotten in ... Oh, my gosh. I can't even wait. You're going to be able to get rose gold in stuff on things. It's going to be beautiful.
I can't give you any more specifics than that, 'cause I don't know what's going on with everything, but just so you guys can get hyped with me, 'cause it's really exciting. Twisters, I have seen people use these in a variety of ways, and absolutely, you could use it as an earring, but keep in mind this is a 14 gauge, so it's going to be larger. You would have to kind of size up to use this if you didn't already have that. If you have a 14 gauge in your helix this would look really cute. It would wrap around twice and be very adorable. The one variant this month was a little butterfly with the pink and clear gems. And then the other one looks the same, but it's not a butterfly. It's just kind of like an art deco style, little pointer. There you go. Little spray.
So those are those ones. I don't have the dangle, the other dangle. There was four this month, as a little extra something something for you guys. I kind of just gave you the basic just because. The fourth one is a rose gold dangle that had turquoise in it, and it was three tiered, and it's teardrop. It's beautiful. April, I'm so excited for you to get all your stuff. I can't wait to see. So I'm going to get going. I hope you guys had a really good time. I know this was a blasting of information kind of day, which isn't always the most fun, but this way the video is up for you guys as well as anybody else that wants to know to look back and kind of refer and keep themselves excited. Like I said, I'm going to try YouTube Live either tonight or tomorrow. I haven't been able to decide/I don't know what's going on yet.
But now that I know I can get into it, I will definitely be doing that this weekend. So make sure you get on YouTube, Body Candy Body Jewelry. Body Candy Body Jewelry, and subscribe and hit the little bell so you'll get the notification. Don't forget that. I'm going to do those, whichever day it is. It'll be a little more in the evening, so that we can hang out a little later. I know this 1:00 can be a little difficult at times for people. But again, everyone lives everywhere, so we'd have to mix it up. I'm going to say it's going to be an evening. Probably 8:00 or 9:00 either tonight or tomorrow is going to be my guess.
You have an awesome weekend, too, Samantha. So be on YouTube. Make sure you're already on Facebook. is our handle on Snapchat. Again, PSA, exclusive deals are going to start going out on there. It's going to be a little spread out, and it's going to be kind of sporadic. We're going to have a couple different varieties of things like that. But it's going to definitely be only on Snapchat. Not Instagram, nowhere else. And then Instagram and Twitter, our handle is @bodycandy. I will absolutely be showing jewelry if I go live on YouTube. I will also have my animals and stuff. I know the one time I tried to do a live video, my cats slept through it. But I'm going to wake them up, so they can deal with it. Maybe I'll have a little rat with me.
So thank you so much for joining me. I'm glad you guys stuck through all the info blast today. I hope you had an awesome time. Hit me up in the DMs and on Snapchat. If you message you're most likely talking to me. Not always, but I usually let you know if it's me. So have an awesome weekend, everybody. Love you all so much. This was really fun, and I hope you guys are really looking forward to the new clubs, 'cause I'm really excited to bring them to you. Have an awesome weekend.
I might be talking quiet, too, so let me know if you guys have any weirdness with hearing me today. Hello, everyone. So I posted last night and this morning and let everybody know that we have some big news. Hello, first-timers. Hello. Big news, everybody. So I'm just going to keep saying, "Big news," for probably five more minutes, and then we will reveal. But I hope everybody had an awesome week. Happy Friday, Jenny. Samantha just bought a bunch of Halloween jewelry. Congratulations. I love Halloween jewelry. It's the bomb. I've been having so much fun.
Actually, that's kind of the first thing, I guess, I'll touch on, just so I don't forget it. Anybody that is messaging us on any of our social media platforms about any images you see with Halloween jewelry, and you click on it, and you can't find it, that's 'cause it's out of stock. So what I'm going to be doing, or have been doing already, is, you should make sure you're checking our Snap stories and our Instagram stories every day, and I will be updating you guys only on Halloween restocks right now. Can't do that with everything. But for anybody that's saying they have a bunch of stuff that they want, I ... Actually I have some of the jewelry with me.
So we're doing that huge give away at the end of this month. So any of this jewelry I show you today is included in that give away. So if you are trying to win some stuff, there's an Instagram one and there's a Facebook one. So you can enter both of them, and I believe they end at the end of this month. Congratulations, Destiny. I love new septum jewelry so much. It's my favorite. April, I'm glad that everything got straightened out for you. April was our $1000 gift card winner, just so everybody knows. So congratulations to her again. Good morning and good afternoon to everybody coming in. Let me see.
Congratulations on joining the belly ring club. That is wonderful. I've actually been planning. I've got us planned out through May right now on the belly ring club. So I'm pretty pumped about that. Adrian, you're totally not the only dude here, but thanks for being here. No, I like ... Everybody's welcome here. We just kind of hang out and talk. If you have any questions about your piercings, anybody, feel free. And just a friendly reminder, I don't actually see every comment coming in. I only see specific, it shows me a couple. So if I ever miss anything, I'm so sorry. We do go back between me and couple of the other customer service people and make sure that we comment and respond to all of your questions.
I'm so glad to hear people are joining the belly ring club. Our customer service is the best. I can't say that enough. They're wonderful. So ... Congratulations, Mackenzie. So many people saying they got new stuff. It's the best. I've seen so many great pictures this week on all of our social media from people getting stuff in the mail, which is always exciting for me. Hello, hello, everyone coming.
So I'm not going to wait any longer, 'cause I've been dying to tell you guys what's going on. So here it is. I wish I had props and stuff to make this all very exciting. Hello, first-timers I see coming in. So Leslie, first off, is asking about the belly ring club. Let me start there. The belly ring club is $14.95 a month. It is a subscription box, so you get it regularly, once a month, kind of like Ipsy or Birchbox or anything like that, but with jewelry, with belly ring jewelry. $14.95, if you live outside the U.S. there's an extra $5 flat rate shipping per month. But each month you get three pieces. One piece is hand crafted exclusively by our wonderful hand-crafted department and created here so it exists nowhere else in the world. The other two pieces are exclusives that we do not sell on the website.
Lizzie, we definitely have some Halloween helix stuff coming in that's super cute. It's just not on the website yet. It will be soon. So yeah, $14.95 for the three belly rings, three belly rings that you can't always just grab, which is the best and very exclusive and exciting. It's kind of like being on the DL or getting special treatment, 'cause you get special jewelry that we don't just sell to everybody. And it varies. I mix them up. I don't think I have a current month on me. Maybe I do. But I'll show you guys July, just to show you guys kind of an idea of what you can expect.
We've been mixing up the metal finishes. We've been mixing up the stone finishes, thing like that. Our Snapchat is, and on Twitter we are @bodycandy. Instagram is @bodycandy. And then you guys are already on Facebook. We also have a YouTube, which sorry to everybody that I said I was going to go on YouTube Live last week. Couldn't get into it. That is fixed. So tonight or tomorrow I'm still going to be doing the YouTube Live from home, just so everybody knows.
That is so exciting. Okay, I love hearing that, when everybody comes in here and says that they feel a little uncomfortable about getting pierced, that everybody is so encouraging. We have another belly ring piercing from some people that were encouraged a few weeks ago, so that's awesome. That makes me feel so good. Hello, everyone coming in. So yeah, this was July's, just to show you guys. This is like a glittery, crescent moon dangle. We went with kind of the summer music festival theme a little bit. This is a piece of actual quartz. Let me try to make sure you can ... Make sure you can see it. This is a little piece of cutie clear quarts and then the rainbow anodized star and the actual belly piece. I'm working on the lighting, guys. I'm trying to make sure everything's lit a little bit better so the camera doesn't auto focus so much. We're working on all that.
And then the third piece was a more simple. This one was the opalite, but it came ... there was a variation. So you could have gotten amethyst, aventurine, there was a bunch of different options. So each month it's the three pieces like that. Exciting, exciting news. We have two new clubs coming for you guys. Two. Two. That was four. Two. Two clubs coming, guys. So that's the big, exciting news. We will be starting them October 1. So as of midnight on October 1, you will be able to sign up for them. And ... Yay. Yay yay yay. I'm glad everybody's excited. We went through a lot of decision making in this process. Everybody's been really asking for this, and you guys really seem to love the clubs, so we wanted to give that to you.
And I felt so bad pushing you guys off and not really giving you an answer other than that we were working on it. But that was just the truth. We were trying to figure it out. Just to give you guys, I know you all kind of like to see behind the scenes and kind of know a little bit more, these clubs, not only do we have to ... I don't even know why I grabbed that package. I just wanted something in my hand, I guess. Not only do we have to pick the pieces and create the pieces and design them and get everything situated, but different piercings have different variations on size. So we started with the belly ring club 'cause belly rings run 14 gauge pretty regularly. Some people have a size up or a size down, which is not a regular size. 14 is pretty standard.
So we thought that the belly ring club was the best approach to start to get our feet wet, see how you guys liked it. So the two clubs that we are going to offer as of October 1 is, we will have an industrial bar club, which I already have put together. I just, I'm getting ready to take pictures of it later. So I'm pretty excited about that. And then we are also going to be doing a septum/daith club. So you will get, in each of those clubs, it'll still be the $14.95 a month per club. You can sign up for all three clubs if you want. You can sign up for one of them or two of them. You can do whatever you want to do. And we're hoping to bring you guys more options on that later.
But the industrial bars are all going to be 14 gauge, and we're going to keep the length around 38 millimeters, 'cause that's pretty standard. Just to give you guys an idea of what to expect out of that. And then with the septum jewelry, we will be doing it 16 gauge, and I think we're probably going to be averaging in the 5/16 range, because that's such a nice ... That's what I'm wearing right now. It's a nice size. It's not too big, so it's not going to be huge for people that don't like big pieces. And it's not going to be the quarter-inch, which is potentially way too small for people.
So everybody's body is different. We were trying to find average sizes. If you have a different size that you wished that I had just said, please drop it in the comments below, and we will definitely go back and review that. But that's where we're at right now. And I just wanted to let you guys know. You can't join those clubs until October 1. I'm so sorry to make everybody wait, but I did not ... You did. Industrial club. Yep. Yep, we're there. And so industrial and septum/daith. The daith pieces I say because septum clickers fit very nicely there, and because I'm not picking anything that is necessarily for a right or a left side. It can be universal.
So we tried to appeal to as many of you in one shot as we possibly could. Yeah. This has been crazy. So I've been working my little butt off for you guys for this, and I hope that you appreciate it. I hope you guys love it. It's been really exciting, but also, holy crap. So yeah, that's what we've been working on here the last couple days/months/everything. They will be ... So just to clarify, I see people asking. I say septum/daith because they're the same jewelry. So if you have a septum piercing, you could sign up for the club. Or if you don't have a septum but you have a daith, which is the one that lays right in here. This one, where it lays in your ear. Yeah, and if you have both, then you're rocking it, 'cause you can wear two pieces at once. You can mix and match them all over the place.
Yeah, ask your man, Makayla. Get him on that train. I'm so glad to see everybody that's reacting so well. So just to point it out, though, I do want to give you guys a heads up on this. For October I think we're going to have one Halloween piece in the industrial set. There isn't going to be a Halloween piece in the septum set, and I just want to be upfront about that, but only because we were deciding this at a time where we wanted to really get this to you and not make you wait any longer. But then from there on out, the clubs will be themed like they are for the belly ring club. So Christmastime we have all these themes planned out. We have a New Year theme, Valentine's/anti-Valentine's. We've got all sorts of stuff going on. So I hope you guys are really pumped about it.
The next few months are going to be insanely awesome, especially with social media. You're going to see me a lot. If you guys have any questions with Halloween jewelry or Christmas jewelry and stuff when the time comes, we're going to make sure that all that stuff is very easily accessible to you. Madison, we do want to do a nose club eventually. That's one of the ones, to explain my point a little bit further about why we were picking and choosing the way that we were. Nose rings can vary so much that it's a really hard one to do. People have 16 up to 22 gauge in their nose. So that's a lot of sizes. Plus lengths of the actual nose jewelry. Plus there's four different backing options. Plus metal finishes. There's just so many options. We have to figure out how to narrow that stuff down.
Rachel, there's always ... Every club, just to point that out there, is we ... one of goals is to mix up everything. So for example, I know for, already for the October one with the belly ring, we have ... I got a rose gold piece, and then so, based off of that, I swapped over. Sometimes you'll see two rose gold and a silver. Sometimes you'll see silver, rose gold, gold. Sometimes you'll see two gold. We're making sure that, if you're part of the monthly club, you are getting a really good mix. With the belly ring one, as well as really the other ones, I'm sure, over time, we're going to make sure that you guys not only get the really beautiful, gorgeous, elaborate, extravagant pieces for you to rock out in, but we're also going to get your basics going. We'll have those mixed in, and then that way you'll have a basic set, too, which is always really awesome.
The other thing that I thought of for you, because I love you guys so much, is the industrial bar club, I made sure that, at least for this first month, that the bars in that, both balls come off the end so they are a little bit more customizable. If you have an issue where you really like the ring, you could always buy yourself a longer bar and swap it out. I wanted to try to make everything work for everybody the best that I could. That is always my goal. I don't ever want people to feel left out. Let me scroll back up here for a minute and see what I've got coming in. Lots of people getting excited, which is good. Good, good, good.
Yes, Samantha. Samantha said she wears a 14 gauge in her septum right now and is considering switching to a 16. We just tend to carry more 16 gauge jewelry because that is the most common size for septums, and sizing down is not a big deal. So 14 gauge is bigger. 16 is a little smaller. Just for anybody that's watching that may or may not know. I don't know if any of you in here are on Snapchat, but I'm sure that some of you can attest to if any of you are ever interested in seeing some true, genuine moments. Last week, maybe the beginning of this week, I was switching my nose jewelry around, didn't realize what I was doing, tried to, I think maybe size up two sizes? I don't know what I did. But I pretty much almost passed out in my bathroom. And then had to go tell my husband, "Hey, if I pass out, don't take me to the hospital. I'm fine. I just poked my nose."
So I did a Snapchat straight up sitting on the floor in the shower. Oh, my God. I almost passed out. Make sure you eat before you ever get pierced or are messing with your jewelry. Snapchat is also the place in general that you'll always see the behind the scenes. That's me talking, that's me playing with my cats and my rats and all my critters, and just being goofy. I'm very ... That's the most personable platform with me. So if you love me, make sure you follow us on Snapchat. Last week I had put out a PSA on Friday on Snapchat about the different planning and having the days set up. Get Pierced Thursdays is coming back, Miranda. This week was a little too soon because I had not planned that ahead, but I wanted to make sure that everybody knows, we did get back on track. So Selfie Sunday, Meme Monday, Tip Tuesday, Hump Day Hauls on Wednesday. Thursdays will be Get Pierced. Fridays will be a day where, if nobody submits anything, I just clean out my phone of anything that I got throughout the week that I didn't get a chance to post. And then Saturdays will be Caterdays.
So that stuff is coming back. I just ... We had an issue with engagement for a little bit when they changed everything with Snapchat, and I didn't want to bore you guys or annoy you. The other things with Snapchat that's going to be happening is there's going to start being exclusive deals that only run through Snapchat. So PSA, if you like deals and coupon codes and seeing sneak peeks of things, Snapchat is where you want to be. That is going to be our little vault of secrets. So please come and join me on there. is the handle. @bodycandy is our Twitter. @bodycandy is also our Instagram. Instagram stories, we always are sharing people's hauls and stuff, if you like to see all different jewelry at once. And our feed is filled with beautiful selfies and pictures of people's ears and all sorts of stuff.
So make sure you're on all of our social media. As I said at the beginning of this video, we are running a bunch of give aways right now, so make sure you're in on those. Let me see. I saw a bigger comment up here. So people are suggesting surveys for the nose. We completely agree about that, about trying to get average sizes, but then, even then we aren't sure how many people will get excluded, and we don't want to exclude anybody. We're going to work out stuff for you. The plan is to bring you more, and I hope that you guys see that. We started the belly ring club in May. I've been telling you for a couple months that we were going to bring you more, and I followed through. I kept my promise. I did it. And we're going to keep doing it. So I hope that that was a little show of faith that we're working really hard and we're listening.
And we always appreciate all of your feedback. You guys are always welcome to DM us or Snapchat us with any of your ideas. I love seeing different people's ideas and things that they're looking for. Let me see. Samantha asked if she could go back and forth between the 14 gauge and the 16 gauge in her septum. I'm going to say, baseline, it might not be a big deal, but if anybody else does that regularly, you should comment. I don't usually try to put anything bigger in my nose, so I'm really not sure. It could be something you could try out. You could even grab, these seamless rings are like three bucks a piece. You could grab one of those just to try out a 16 gauge and try taking day in between each one and see. Can't guarantee, but I did figure out with my nose studs that that is not the case. So just listen to your body. Everybody's body is different.
Also being in a hot shower helps. The heat helps your skin relax and expand and is always the best place. Always make sure you're cleaning your hands and cleaning things before you touch them. Also don't over clean. We're getting a lot of people that are saying, messaging me and saying, "My belly button's infected. I'm cleaning it three times a day. What's happening?" You're cleaning it three times a day, it's too much. So you need to make sure that you ... Once a day is enough cleaning. You will remove the good bacteria and the good things that help you heal. So you don't want to do that.
Trina asked about the Instagram. No, or it will not. The exclusive deals and all that stuff is only going to be on Snapchat. So if you don't have Snapchat, guys, make sure you make one. It's going to be totally worth it. Even if I'm your only friend, I'm really fun. I promise. And I really, I'm sure a lot of people can attest, I really like messaging people back on there and helping. I love answering all your messages on Instagram and helping you guys pick stuff out. That's what I'm here for. So let me know. Hello, hello, hello. Anna just came in. We don't have a club set up for that yet, but the new clubs are industrial and septum/daith. Because they're the same jewelry, it's one club.
Thank you, people that are answering. Y'all are so on top of it. Yep, Kelsey. We did do survey to figure out what clubs you guys were interested in in general, and we worked with the top five to start and then kind of went from there. So there's definitely going to be more. Destiny asked about a segment ring in my septum. Let me ... Thanks, Destiny. So this is a seamless ... or a segment ring. So when it's closed it looks like a seamless ring, but it has a cute little hinge instead, which I love these on the go 'cause I don't always have pliers. And then you just hug it in there, and I stick my finger right up in there and then push them together, and they click right in, and it locks, so you don't even have to worry about it. They're really cute.
Let me ... I'm not completely a germaphobe, but ... but also, sponsor me, Purell. Can't have that. Can't have that. I'm so glad to hear about big orders. Make sure you send me pictures. I love seeing pictures of everything ever. The other thing I want to remember to say about Snapchat submissions while I'm thinking about it, and I'll definitely be reminding you guys, is when we ask for daily submissions, note, number one, one submission per person, please. I love sharing everybody's stuff. It's my favorite thing in the world. As I've said a hundred times already today, I don't like excluding people. But sometimes when we do like Caterday, I accept all animals, not just cats. And sometimes people will send me 12 pictures and then I share them all 'cause I feel bad, and then someone else gets left out at the end of the day. And I don't want to do that. So one submission per day.
And also, with the Get Pierced things, the other thing we're going to have to keep straight is when we put out the screenshot little application for you to fill out with all of your info on Get Pierced, please do not cross out the piercing I'm asking for and write in your own. I'm no longer going to be saving those. We started having too many people that were submitting whatever they wanted, and then I was trying to save them and use them later, and then I was getting yelled at 'cause I wasn't using them later 'cause people wanted to see themselves. I just want to, I want to help everybody all get to the same place. So keep that in mind.
Yes, they are called segment rings on the site. These little cuties, this is also in that give away I was talking about. These have ... These are segment rings, the ones with the little ... This is the pink gem one, but there's also the purple tanzanite and the clear or the aurora gem for those. Yep, clickers and segment rings are my favorite. They're so easy. Brittany, submissions for Snapchat. I don't know if you're on our Snapchat, but we do themed days of the week where I ask you guys for submissions of photos. You can send me pictures of yourself, and I post them. Or your kitties or your jewelry, all the stuff. So the crystal belly ring that I showed you was the monthly club belly ring from July, so you can't buy this. That's the whole catch. You got to be part of the club to get them, 'cause they're super special. But this is a hand ... Our hand-crafted department created this from scratch. This doesn't exist anywhere else.
If you have hopes of getting a hold of one of these, your best bet would be to grab one of the grab bags, the grab belly bags. We only have those in belly ring jewelry right now. Or, I'm sorry, August. You're right, Michelle. Maybe I mixed those two up. Either one. If it's a past month, they're just not available anymore right now. Unless potentially you can pull one in the grab bag. So those are cool. You can get a mixture. They come with a different variety of pieces in them. They're all a surprise. And we have thrown in a few extras each month from the belly ring clubs into those. So you have a chance to get them.
I have a couple of industrial earrings with me. I have this cute unicorn, this rose gold unicorn baby. It's so beautiful. And if you're interested in industrial earrings, make sure you sign up on October first. Oh, most important part that I almost forgot about the new clubs, sign ups I said start on October 1 at midnight? We are going to have limited placement for the first month. Limited placement. So you're going to want to make sure you get on it. Let me see. We have questions happening and I can't see everything.
Yeah, I think that Stephanie means seamless rings. So when you say that they can't close you mean like these ones? Where they have like the hingey where you open and close them? You can close these. Midnight Eastern Standard Time. That's a good question, actually. I wouldn't have thought of that. So, yeah. October 1 at midnight Eastern Standard Time, they will be available to, I think, we have 300 available spot for both, for each club. So make sure you get there. In the future we won't have that limitation, but because we are ... It's not even a limitation. It's very exclusive. That's how serious this is, guys. Take it seriously.
Yes, Sarah, just like Ipsy. So every month you receive a package, and it's curated, and it's beautiful. It's super fun. These, by the way, guys, the seamless rings? If you use pliers, you can get these all the way closed, and they look beautiful. And we've been getting so many of these really cute ... This is the planet. This is also included in that give away that's on Instagram right now until the end of the month. You can look for, there's a picture with a wooden tray, and it's got a bunch of jewelry laid everywhere. There will definitely be that. So, yeah, keep that in mind.
We do sell that stuff, Moira, but we are currently sold out. We also, we have a couple really cool tools that we sell sometimes. Let me see. I don't have the one with me right now. But for any of you that watched a couple weeks ago when we showed the ball grabber tool, we sold out of those. I will definitely let y'all know when those are back. Destiny, if you like the planet, you might also like the alien. We have a ton of new alien stuff coming in, like outer space themed, planets, which is all my favorite. And we do also sell the H2Ocean. I see Body Candy Customer Service commenting. We do sell H2Ocean in the salt rinse, the foam, and I think that's all I have in here right now.
So we do carry things to help you with after care and changing stuff out, but we sell out of that stuff really quick. So I will add those tools and stuff to the list of things I will keep you guys posted about in our stories, 'cause that's important. If you guys actually want to see a sneak peek, if I can get 10 people to comment ... a smiley face emoji is good enough, just a smiley face, I'll show you guys a little sneak peek of an industrial bar. So I have some other stuff here. This is also included in that giveaway. This is the braided BCR with the little turquoise ball. These are really cute. I actually think these are really cute in the septum, but also your daith, a helix, anything. Nose hoop, these are super cute, and they're a pretty standard size, so they're not huge.
April. April counted as three smiley faces. All right, guys. So this one's really goofy, but in the best way. Are you ready? I almost died this morning. It's so cute. We've been getting in all the craziest stuff for Halloween. I couldn't get over this this morning. It was so precious. Let me see what else we have here. I might have some other stuff we can sneak peek. If I can get 10 pumpkins in a row I'll sneak peek you guys a cartilage, a cartilage stud. Let me see. We also have this really cute cartilage ring that will be in that give away. It has all the different colored gems in the flower petals. It's gorgeous.
I know you guys all love sneak peeks, and if you love sneak peeks that much, like I said, Snapchat is absolutely where you should be. I accidentally sneak peek stuff on there sometimes, 'cause I'll forget. So you see all the best stuff. Okay, lots of pumpkins coming in. This is a Halloween stud, guys. Not only are we planning on getting those skull nose studs back in that I was talking about before, but we're going to have this cute little skull with a bow stud. I want to make sure you guys can see these. I got to use my forehead. It's for work. Look how cute. So this is very, very sweet.
Yeah, it's ... I will count a tomato. The pumpkin is under the festivally spot. There's ... It's in a spot you wouldn't think it would be, but I had to really look for it. So, yeah, this is definitely a brand new stud. It will be on the website very soon. And again, now that I'm showing you guys ... My forehead really does work so good. Now that I'm show you guys, I'll make sure I put an update when they're live on the website. I like that 'cause it's Halloween but still girly and kind of muted without being like, holy crap. There's different times and places for different stuff. Not so much now, but I used to have jobs where, for the holidays, I would always want to be a little fancy, and I had to kind of keep it toned down 'cause I didn't necessarily work places that were cool with piercings and tattoos and stuff. So, but now I do.
Yeah, no, there's tons and tons of stuff coming. All the Halloween jewelry is coming. We're getting there. Some of the other pieces that are included in that give away on Instagram right now that you should definitely make sure you go back and fill out. It runs through the end of the month. I wanted to make sure I found all three of them at the same time, but I can't, 'cause I'm a doof. There we go. The three-pack of the crescent moons will be included in that. These have been top sellers. The black one is one of my favorites to wear. I also really love, there's a maroon, creamy looking one. It's beautiful.
So, anybody talking about, I see somebody talking about displays and storage and stuff. If you guys are into anything like that, again I can't stress enough, Snapchat and YouTube Live. If you go to and you follow us, subscribe, hit the little bell so it gives you the alert when I go live. Those are places that I make jewelry boxes. I'm always making displays. I'm always rearranging my storage. I'm always doing things with my things. That's just the kind of person I am. So that's a really awesome place. I know when I first started working here, I had made a little bumblebee inspired jewelry box that I really loved. So maybe we'll do a craft session sometime on a live video or something where I'll show you guys how to make a really ... We'll do like a 10 bucks and under or 15 bucks and under something like that, Joann Fabric spree, and maybe we'll have some fun, and I'll take you guys live along shopping or something. We'll really go for it. If you guys are interested in anything like that, please leave it in the comments.
Thank you, Joy. This is a sweater skirt. It goes down to my thighs, and it's very, very comfy. Let me see. Samantha, I'm jealous. I want my medusa pierced so bad, but I'm not done with my Invisalign yet, so I have to wait. Christina, we wish we could do just Halloween-inspired boxes. That would be fun, but we can't. But the pieces, there's Halloween pieces in two of the boxes. Industrial and belly will have really cute little Halloween pieces in them. All right, we found the pumpkin. So I have a couple more pieces I can show you that are in that give away, and then I'll get out of here. The big news today is I mostly wanted to be able to make sure I could answer any questions about the belly ... or clubs, I should say now. I can't just say belly club only.
The cute little opal kitty bars that I show all the time are included in that. These are nipples bars. They're very cute. I love these so much. We also have this really cute little flower helix or tragus stud. It has the opal in the middle and the clear CZ petals. Let me see. If you go to Instagram for the give away, guys, there's a picture that you're going to see. You're going to see a real sneak peek, but it's kind of like a messy sneak peek, so you're not going to actually see anything. But just so you have a visual. You're going to see a picture with a wooden tray like this in the background. And then it's going to have a bunch of jewelry laid out on it, a whole cluster. It shouldn't be that far back. It was posted in the beginning of September.
So, let me see. Oh, the new clubs, they're all going to be $14.95. Each club is going to be the same cost, same shipping charge. All that stuff we're trying to keep pretty even across the board so that everything is very simple. You will still be able to manage your belly ring club/other club subscriptions with your account and always see ... You're going to be charged on the 7th going forward, and then we will be shipping out. So it'll be kind of like Ipsy where they do a set charge day every month. Your first bag is always going to be shipped out when you first order it, but then going forward scheduling wise, it will be laid out.
I'm also on that page. I'm ... Somebody's talking about Christmas jewelry. I'm so ready for fall in general. I have a whole list of fall activities that I want to do. So I'm very excited about that. Hopefully I actually do them, 'cause I'm usually kind of lazy about it. This hibiscus belly ring is included in that give away as well as, this has been one of my favorites for when I'm doing something fancy. This real long, dangly baby. It's rose gold finish, and then it's got teal, pink, the purple tanzanite, like a peach, and then a turquoise stone at the bottom. So these are really, really beautiful. And ... It's a pretty one. This is more like if you're wearing a skirt or something with a crop top, this is great. This is definitely not comfortable with high-waisted jeans on. I tried it, and I regretted it.
Allegra, absolutely. So that ... I shouldn't say absolutely. My goal in general is for that to be the case, and I can tell you with certainty that the first three bars for October do have the moveable charms, and they do have the ends that unscrew on both sides. And that's specifically because of that, because I figured, if any of you need a longer bar, you're either already going to have your longer bar or you can easily grab one on your own, and then you don't have to feel like you can't join the club 'cause you would just be able to swap your charms over. And I know that some people are usually asking me if you can take balls off of both sides of things for any kind of jewelry. So I figured you guys would want to know that. Like I said, I'm trying to average 38 millimeters on the bars for industrials because that seems to be pretty average. We carry 30 millimeters all the way up to, I think, 42 or 44, so there is obviously a huge range. But we did our best to kind of narrow that down.
Let me see. Oh, you know what, you guys? I'm doofy. I do have the belly ring of the month club for September with me right now. I just have it ... I couldn't see it through this plastic bag. It's Friday. Let me just grab some of them out. Well, now I feel a little bit better, 'cause I've been very unprepared about this for a few weeks. Let me just unbag these. Yeah, see, some people wear the really short bars, so we're going to make sure that we ... you'll be all set actually, already, I guess. No. Nobody will ever be disqualified for entering something twice. If anything, that's extra credit. It doesn't hurt anything. The only thing that would ever disqualify someone is if we found out they didn't do all of the steps that they needed, 'cause there's usually a couple steps. But they're very easy. Follow us, like the post, tag a friend. It's nice and easy.
Patricia, industrial and septum/technically daith, cause it's the same jewelry. Oh, I was un ... See? This is where I get caught up, 'cause I'm always talking. This is how I am in real life, so welcome to my world. One more and then I can show you guys. Well, maybe I don't have the last one. Oh, I'm so terrible. I'm a terrible, the most terrible. Okay, well, I have at least three of them. So the hand-crafted piece for this month is a rose gold finish. This is the outback or safari jasper. So it's a natural stone, and then the Swarovski teardrop is kind of a peachy color. These are really, really beautiful. I had such a hard time. I don't know if any of you guys are into rocks and stuff and stones. I love rocks. When I was a little kid, I would go find rocks everywhere and bring them home, and I don't know. I just had shelves full of rocks. So when I was packaging these up, it took everything in me to not be like, "Canceled. I'm keeping all the stones in the middle of them," 'cause they're all so different and beautiful.
Just to kind of give you guys an idea of the variations, I don't ... I hope you guys can tell through the bags, 'cause I don't want to unbag all these. But you can tell this one is super lined and kind of almost marbly, and then you have ones like these that are also marbly but they kind of look like the world. I'll just take this out. They kind of look like the world. I don't know how else to describe that. Forehead time. I should just, I'll just get a surface bar right here. I'll just start wearing the belly ring of the month club like this. I will be ... I will be the prop.
So, yeah, no. I love these. I'm done, guys. I've ... Man, I have not had enough sleep this week, so I'm just living ... I'm living on borrowed time. Thank you, Crystal. It did match my nails. My nails are real sparkly and black right now, which is my dream. I love that kind of stuff. Yeah, everybody loves rocks. When I was like 5, it was a treat for us to go on a nature walk at this place called Swallow Hollow, which is near where I grew up. It's this beautiful nature trail in the middle of the woods, and there's a swamp, and there's just all sorts of creatures. And I would go out there and just look at bugs and little creatures and pick up pine cones and leaves and rocks. And then I would come home and just glue them to paper and just hang them all over the living room.
So that's a little Allie story for you. You know what? The back of a mousepad seems like it would work, but it doesn't. And then we've made these blocks to try to help, but I think they might be a little too small. We're going to work on it. If the lighting was right, I wouldn't have that problem. I still just have to kind of perfect what shows you guys the best detail. It's also because I have an auto focus thing on my phone. So we are looking into switching over to a better camera, I think. Nope, I'm not bringing back any snakes, although I do love snakes now. I did not when I was a kid. Yeah, I used to, I think I broke the dryer once with some rocks in my pockets. [inaudible 00:43:29] So, yeah. I, when I was a kid it was shelves. Now I have a garden, so I just find rocks everywhere, and I'm like, "Oh, I'm just going to go put them in my garden. It'll be fine." So I have an excuse now. It's terrible for me.
Oh, so I showed you the hand-crafted piece. See? Sidetracked again. The second piece was a basic. This month is the September birthstone, so it's the sapphire blue, just a nice little simple basic for you. The third piece was a twister, 'cause I know that I've been trying to mix up the different kinds. Maybe I can tell you guys on the down low, since you're here watching live, that for, since we did the spiral for this month, I wanted to pick another interesting one for next month, and I picked a top knot. So I don't know if that's interesting to any of you, but that's all I'm going to tell you. So I've been trying to mix it up. I see people commenting about merch and apparel. Y'all are going to die when you see the merch and stuff we're going to have. It's so good. I'm loving the shirts and the hoodies that we already have. They're very comfortable. We have gotten in more colors. We've gotten in ... Oh, my gosh. I can't even wait. You're going to be able to get rose gold in stuff on things. It's going to be beautiful.
I can't give you any more specifics than that, 'cause I don't know what's going on with everything, but just so you guys can get hyped with me, 'cause it's really exciting. Twisters, I have seen people use these in a variety of ways, and absolutely, you could use it as an earring, but keep in mind this is a 14 gauge, so it's going to be larger. You would have to kind of size up to use this if you didn't already have that. If you have a 14 gauge in your helix this would look really cute. It would wrap around twice and be very adorable. The one variant this month was a little butterfly with the pink and clear gems. And then the other one looks the same, but it's not a butterfly. It's just kind of like an art deco style, little pointer. There you go. Little spray.
So those are those ones. I don't have the dangle, the other dangle. There was four this month, as a little extra something something for you guys. I kind of just gave you the basic just because. The fourth one is a rose gold dangle that had turquoise in it, and it was three tiered, and it's teardrop. It's beautiful. April, I'm so excited for you to get all your stuff. I can't wait to see. So I'm going to get going. I hope you guys had a really good time. I know this was a blasting of information kind of day, which isn't always the most fun, but this way the video is up for you guys as well as anybody else that wants to know to look back and kind of refer and keep themselves excited. Like I said, I'm going to try YouTube Live either tonight or tomorrow. I haven't been able to decide/I don't know what's going on yet.
But now that I know I can get into it, I will definitely be doing that this weekend. So make sure you get on YouTube, Body Candy Body Jewelry. Body Candy Body Jewelry, and subscribe and hit the little bell so you'll get the notification. Don't forget that. I'm going to do those, whichever day it is. It'll be a little more in the evening, so that we can hang out a little later. I know this 1:00 can be a little difficult at times for people. But again, everyone lives everywhere, so we'd have to mix it up. I'm going to say it's going to be an evening. Probably 8:00 or 9:00 either tonight or tomorrow is going to be my guess.
You have an awesome weekend, too, Samantha. So be on YouTube. Make sure you're already on Facebook. is our handle on Snapchat. Again, PSA, exclusive deals are going to start going out on there. It's going to be a little spread out, and it's going to be kind of sporadic. We're going to have a couple different varieties of things like that. But it's going to definitely be only on Snapchat. Not Instagram, nowhere else. And then Instagram and Twitter, our handle is @bodycandy. I will absolutely be showing jewelry if I go live on YouTube. I will also have my animals and stuff. I know the one time I tried to do a live video, my cats slept through it. But I'm going to wake them up, so they can deal with it. Maybe I'll have a little rat with me.
So thank you so much for joining me. I'm glad you guys stuck through all the info blast today. I hope you had an awesome time. Hit me up in the DMs and on Snapchat. If you message you're most likely talking to me. Not always, but I usually let you know if it's me. So have an awesome weekend, everybody. Love you all so much. This was really fun, and I hope you guys are really looking forward to the new clubs, 'cause I'm really excited to bring them to you. Have an awesome weekend.