Q: What’s the fastest way to get rid of a piercing bump/keloid? - Delaney
A: First of all, a piercing bump and a keloid are very different things. A keloid is a type of scar that grows large and out of control. A piercing bump is small and stays in the vicinity of the piercing. A keloid must be treated by a dermatologist. A piercing bump is best treated by figuring out what’s causing it. Are you wearing ASTM F-136 titanium jewelry? If not, it could be a metal allergy. Are you wearing jewelry that is the appropriate style for your piercing – especially if it’s a fresh piercing? That’s another major cause of bumps. Are you sleeping on it? If so, consider using a travel pillow until the piercing heals up. Are you using the correct aftercare routine? Sterile saline wound wash is almost universally recommended. Finally, is the angle of the piercing correct? If you’re not sure, go see a trusted piercer and have it checked. It may only require something as simple as a jewelry change to get rid of the bump. Just please, do not put tea tree oil or crushed aspirin on the bump as these may actually worsen it. Best of luck!
Q: I've had my double helix piercing for about two years now, and it's still not healed. A lot has happened with it, including: the inner threading of the original barbells being messed up, so the jewelry kept falling off. I dealt with that for a whole year before switching to hoops (I know I shouldn't have) just to see if there was any possibility it could help. Now I just want to know if I should just give up and let the holes close and start over? Or if it will eventually get better? - Maria
A: The frustration with loose ball ends is totally understandable and it would make sense to want to try circular jewelry as a replacement. However, in a healing helix piercing, circular jewelry is going to lengthen the healing time and cause endless irritation while the healing process is underway. You could take them out and try again in a few weeks to months however, you might also try going to an experienced piercer and have them swap out your jewelry for ASTM F-136 titanium flatback labrets. These move far less than rings do and may allow your piercings to finally heal. Happy piercing!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!