Q: Hey Kyra! I'm loving your Q&As! I'm thinking about getting my tongue pierced but I was wondering if there are certain foods I won't be able to eat and for how long? -Mandy
A: Thanks so much but I couldn’t do it all without our excellent research team! After a tongue piercing, you’re going to want to avoid anything that causes too much movement of the jewelry until the swelling goes down. Which is actually pretty easy because it would be quite a challenge to eat solid food before the swelling goes down. Avoid spicy food, stick to soft stuff like mashed potatoes, soup, and pudding. One of the best things you can actually eat is ice cream, because it’s soft and the cold will help reduce the swelling. (That should go away within a few days so while the restricted diet can be annoying, at least it’s only temporary.) Don’t forget to rinse your mouth after eating – your piercer can give you the rundown on aftercare. Good luck!
Q: My mom is letting me get my belly button pierced but my stomach folds when I sit down... Will I still be able to get pierced? -Allie
A: Unfortunately, your anatomy does not sound suited to a belly piercing. The pressure and friction of the folded skin simply will not allow it to heal properly. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the upside is that there are still lots of piercings out there that are sure to suit your anatomy! If your mom is allowing a belly piercing, perhaps she’ll be amenable to a different piercing that works with your body. You may also want to check with your piercer just to be 100% sure before counting it out entirely. Best of luck!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!