Q: I got my belly button pierced in July 2020. Everything was going well with it, and I loved how it turned out, but then I left for college in a different state, and I have had nothing but problems. It seems infected but it’s not painful. Also, when I first got it done it was very deep and did not move in the piercing much and now it moves a whole lot. I don’t want to take it out, but I’m worried my body is trying to reject it. Is there any advice you can give me? -Emily
A: The main question here is can you see more of the barbell than you could when it was fresh but still healed? If the jewelry feels loose in the fistula, but you still see the same amount of barbell, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to your jewelry. The skin can start to pull away from the jewelry and that can cause the jewelry to feel loose in the fistula. If the jewelry still feels snug in the fistula but you can see more of the actual barbell, then your piercing is likely rejecting. Metal allergy is an easy fix, you just need to replace the jewelry. ASTM F-136 titanium is generally recommended but niobium and rhodium (while harder to find) are fantastic for people with metal allergies. If your jewelry is rejecting, it’s best to simply remove it to minimize scarring. If left on its own, the jewelry would eventually work its way out of the body and either fall out or get ripped out if it were caught on something. Of course, if you want to be absolutely certain then your best move is to go to a trustworthy piercer who can evaluate your piercing and see if it is still viable. Best of luck!
Q: I recently got a conch piercing and it’s been so swollen and irritated! I don’t know what to do!? Is there a possibility my ear could be rejecting it? -Brianna
A: How recently is recently? While it is possible that your piercing is rejecting, there are other possible reasons for the swelling and discomfort that are more likely. One is that it simply isn’t healed yet. Conch piercings can take as long as 12 months to fully heal. You could be experiencing the normal ups and downs of the healing process. This can be made extra unpleasant if you do things like sleep on that ear. (If you do, try using a travel pillow to ensure you aren’t putting weight on it!) It is also possible that there is an inherent issue with your piercing. Were you pierced with circular jewelry? That can also make the healing process take longer because of the movement of the jewelry. Were you pierced with ASTM F-136 titanium? If not, you may be experiencing a metal allergy. It’s also possible your piercing was performed at an imperfect angle. So, while it seems like you are probably just experiencing very normal frustration with the healing process, it never hurts to have a trustworthy piercer take a look and make sure everything is okay. Happy healing!
Disclaimer: Body Candy is only here to give you fun and helpful advice and information when it comes to getting pierced. Always consult a professional piercer to make sure a new piercing is right for you!