Facebook LIVE: Body Piercing Trends & FAQ with Alley
Friday October 5, 2018
Did you know we host weekly Facebook Live sessions where you can hang out and interact with our social media diva, Alley?! Get sneak peek, behind-the-scenes access to new jewelry, monthly club previews & more. Plus Alley makes time every week to answer your questions! We love getting your feedback and finding out more about our customers. Please remember that Alley is just like you guys, and therefore she cannot answer any medical related questions about your piercings. If you are having issues with your piercings, please see a medical professional or an APP certified piercer.
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Hello, babies, it's Saturday, it is not Friday. I hope everybody comes in and talks to me because I'm running a few minutes late. I'm just going to give everybody a minute here. Hopefully, I'm going to pull up my stuff on my computer. Hello, I see a couple of people in here. Hello, hello everyone. I'm running a few minutes late, I'm sorry. Hi, Kaitlin. I had some technical difficulties. Hi, Corey. As you guys can see, I'm a little whooped. Hi, Abby. I was in a wedding yesterday, but that's why I wasn't here. So here I am now. Hello, Lizzie. Everybody coming in.
I know we posted a status on Facebook yesterday, and we asked you guys if you had any questions so I'm going to pull that up right now. And we're just going to see what's going on with that. I've got some jewelry sneak peaks for you. We'll talk about the new clubs a little bit for anybody that wasn't here last week.
Hello everyone coming in. Hello, hello. So we'll go over all that. Sneak peaks of some jewelry that I saw when I was at work the other day that I'm super pumped about, and I thought you guys might want to see it. So let me see here ... I hope everybody had a good week. Feels weird to be here on a Saturday night. Let me see. Hello everyone coming in.
So while I'm scrolling through this and just looking to see what questions we had, let me see, does anybody have any other random questions. I guess I should just talk about the club stuff while I'm going here. Just to remind everybody, October is coming, it is here like not tomorrow, Monday. So the new monthly club is going to be out for the belly ring of the month. It's very, very cute. I do want to let everybody know that it has a Halloween-themed piece, a non-Halloween-themed piece and then the third one is kind of a fall piece. We've been getting a lot of people that are asking what's in that; $14.95 a month you get the three belly rings. And also if you weren't here last week, are going to have the industrial bar of the month club, as well as the septum/daith clubs, since they're the same rings.
What do you mean, Corey, because there's like a labret, there's snake bites, there's spider bites, there's like a monroe up here, the Medusa is here. I'm sorry that you had a hard time finding your size, Makayla. Seven sixteenths is kind of an odd one. Nine sixteenths is a much more common one.
Hello. Hello, hello everyone coming in. So that's definitely one that we aren't going to have in stock as much, but I will make note of it because I have definitely seen a few other people requesting that lately. Lane, we always have new nose rings. Like every week we upload new products.
Hello everyone coming in. Man, it's getting lit, we're over 100 viewers. So we're doing good. I know this is a little bit of a weird time for everyone. Let me see if I can snag a child of mine in a minute here. So, let's see. All the clubs are still going to be the $14.95 a month. We will be able to have you guys sign up for the two new clubs on October 1, so make sure you're keeping your eyes peeled for that.
Hello, hello, Marissa - conch jewelry. Any of our cartilage jewelry should work in your conch, so any of the studs that have like the little ball in the back, or even a flat back probably. Lots of sizing questions, so anything with that, keeping dropping those in the comments but I'm probably not going to address those questions -- excuse me -- on here. Just because ... Hi, is it Leeah or Lee, I see a first-time watcher; I always try to say hello to people. You're not late, Becca, we're all just hanging out. It's Saturday, we're chilling. Nothing crazy. I went to the flea market today. And actually, I got this really cool thing that is jewelry inspired. So this is a butter dish, but it's like an old silver one. And it has like lions and stuff on it. And I'm going to put my jewelry ... Lookit, frickin' look at this, this is so cool. So I'm going to use this for a little jewelry tin for all the jewelry I take off at night, something like that.
Thanks, Jenny. I'm still racking my hard wing from the wedding yesterday. Hi, Kimberly. Oh, another, is it Leah? I hate botching people's names. So yeah, that's a cool little thing I got today. Let me see, I'm going to pull a question off of the status from yesterday really quick. I'm going to see if there's anything on here that applies to anybody. Somebody was asking for a sneak peak for the belly ring of the month club. I don't have any of the pieces with me or else I might. But while you guys are all here, I will sneak peak a couple of things.
Hello everybody that's coming in. I always go through every week and look through all the new products that are coming in and try to kind of see what I want to wear, and what I think you guys are going to like, and what I want to put on different social media platforms and stuff. And yesterday, well not yesterday, Thursday, Wednesday ... My week's been so crazy. Wednesday I went out there, I was hunting around and we have so many of the tunnel earrings right now that just came in. They can also be worn as regular earrings, so I grabbed a bunch of them to show you guys.
These aren't going to be listed on the site yet, but I figured that you guys would enjoy seeing some of them, because we got a bunch, we got a bunch. So this is your sneak peak that everybody was asking for. Again, disclaimer, none of these are going to be available yet. But as soon as they are, I will post a status on our Instagram stories, which I'm also doing for Halloween jewelry on restocks, because you guys have been asking so much. So the first pair we have are like these mandala, like with the druzy in the middle; they're like a teal blue. So these are really beautiful. So you can where these through a tunnel or these have, like I said, a regular thickness on them as far as an earring goes. And actually these are the silver tunnels that I wore for the wedding that I was in yesterday. These are listed on the site already. And because there's holes in them, I think I can actually slide that through. I didn't latch it but it did go through it. So these are super, super cute. Just want to make sure you guys see these one more time.
I got my lighting working better today, so we're actually ... This looks like it's doing a lot better than we were. Maddie asked about a nose ring hoop. We have tons of those on the site. We have like pretty much every metal; well, we have every metal finish. And don't forget that we have our custom gold department that can do the rose gold silver and gold nose hoops for you. So this is the next pair of hangers that I found that aren't listed yet. But they're just simple little kitties. I thought these were really, really cool. Again, I feel like you could almost wear, if you had in the tunnels, like two different pairs of earrings together if you wore these. I really, really liked these. I just liked how simple they were.
Let me see. Now these are a little less simple, but still simple somehow. These are geometric kitties. We got in so many cool earrings, you guys. These are awesome. So there are gold and these are just, like I said, the normal earring and they just pop in like that, and they're super cute. So as soon as these are going to be listed on the site, I'll let you guys know since I'm getting you all excited about it. You know what, I don't know any of the product information on these yet, because they aren't listed. So I wouldn't have any idea. These are probably, I would assume, gold anodized for the gold cat ones. And then the others I'm going to assume, they look like they've got a regular surgical sealed earring to me. But I would definitely read the product description when they get listed.
We also have these really cute crescent moons. These are kind of like the gunmetal black finish. So I don't know if you can tell from here; they look kind of silver on this. But I thought these were really cool for Halloween. Thanks, everybody. I was in a wedding yesterday, so I did my best. I kept my eyes overnight. I had to redo everything else this morning. But I figured I'd hold on to it as long as I could. There's a few more pairs here. I grabbed as many as my little hands could hold for you. We have some more of the druzy center ones with the star. A lot of these are so cool, even not just for fall and Halloween. I thought these were all just really neat pieces.
And like I said, I live these because then I can pick a pair of tunnels and these and then I don't have to choose between stuff. We have these cute moons with the opal gems. Let me see if I can turn this down a little bit for you so you can see this a little better. So these were super cool.
Dawn asked about getting septum piercings, any advice? Septums are a really easy piercing experience/heal. They heal pretty quickly, like four to six weeks usually. So my only advice is to just to make sure you go to a piercer that you really love and trust and that makes you super comfortable. You know, the shop is clean and all that kind of stuff. APP-certified piercers are definitely a bonus, so always keep that in mind. And other than that, just make sure you're not over cleaning. I think that's the biggest thing I want to stress to you guys right now.
I've gotten so many messages in the last couple of weeks of people telling me that they have irritations with their piercings and they're like I don't know why this is happening to me, I'm cleaning it three times a day. That's why. So make sure you guys aren't over washing. Just the once a day in the hot shower if you can help it, either with your sea salt wash or I know I always tell you guys I can't give out medical advice, but I do use Gold Dial soap still. And I live them.
Yes, Lizzie these are all ... All the earrings I just showed are regular earrings posts, but they can be worn through tunnels as well. So they're just like a normal ... They're on a little hookie. I'll let you guys know when these will be available, like I said. Because I know you guys have all been interested. This is the last pair I think I'm going to show you of the hangies. Nope, we've got one more very important pair for you to see after this.
We've got some really cute unicorns with the opalite style gem on them. These are super, super cool. We had so many really good ones out there. We've been filling up; we've been getting in more Halloween jewelry for you, so we've been hustling on that because we know you guys have been interested.
Dallas, I don't have anything for a dermal with me today, but we do carry them on our websites. Just to run through our social media real quick, bodycandy.com is where you can purchase anything that you're seeing usually, but not this stuff because it was a sneak peek. But my plugs are listed; I know I was saying that. They're just listed as filigree plugs I think. Also on social media @bodycandy is our Twitter and Instagram handle. Bodycandy.com is our Snapchat handle. You're already on Facebook. We also have a YouTube account, youtube.com/bodycandybodyjewelry. So make sure to keep an eye out on all of our platforms.
We are going to be having some different ... We're going to start having some things that aren't offered on every platform ... Oh, we have a kitty. We'll have special coupon codes if you're on Snapchat and things like that, so make sure you're on everything. We do giveaways on every platform as well. Make sure if you haven't and you are already on our Instagram or if you haven't, you should get over there and get on there, we are doing a giveaway right now. It's going to end tomorrow night, and the winner is going to be chosen on Monday.
If you look, I just reposted the picture too. There is a whole tray worth of ... It's like 200 bucks worth of jewelry that you guys can win. So make sure you sign up. All the info is listed on the post for that.
Tony, I'm glad to hear that. That's why this is happening, partially. Not only did I have my wedding stuff to do yesterday, I was a bridesmaid so I really didn't have any access to my phone part of the day. And then when I did it wasn't really, it wasn't something that I should be at my phone too much through. But today I figured I would try a later time, since I wasn't kind of pigeonholed into an earlier one today. And maybe we'll start doing this once a month so that everybody can catch me live at different times.
I didn't bring any like other ... I have a couple ... I have one more pair of hangie earrings and then I have a couple of pairs of plugs with me. But I don't have a lot of jewelry since I'm at home. I'm sorry, guys. But anything I see on here, I'll make sure I'll bring next week, because we'll be back to normal programming.
This is ... I know he's a little off frame ... This is Sebastian. Can you hear him purring? I know you guys might have seen him when I was home a couple weeks ago. My little mean mugger. He's so sweet. He looks mean but he's not. He's a little cuddle monster.
Jamie asks how you wear these earrings with tunnels. Shoot. I don't think I have any tunnels with me that are going to show this very well. But I might be able ... Like I said, I could pop these through this. Because I have on like kind of a tunnel almost. Since these are a little bit open, you just stick them through and then they like just dangle through. So this is kind of like a side view. And they just kind of-
Hi, April. April was our $1000 gift card winner a couple of weeks ago. Alyssa, we've just been hanging out, you didn't miss too much. But you can always go back and watch later. I've just been pretty much showing some sneak peaks of some jewelry and being goofy. I know, honey. He's like why are you doing things and not looking at me. Oh, honey bunny. Let me see. So one last pair of hangie earrings, wherever I may have put them. Oh, there they are. These were some of my favorite ones.
We will definitely be making sure that we'll be posting when these are happening. Bye-bye. Like I said, these are like the Ouija board. But they're in an earring. I thought these were so cool. There's like an eyeball in there; I don't know if you can tell. I need to use my forehead again, but not because my camera won't focus. Just so you can kind of see what's behind it. Super cute. So make sure you guys keep an eye out for these. I know I've said it like five times but I just want to stress it again.
Any of the Halloween jewelry pieces that you guys have been asking about restock dates on, I'm just going to make sure that I'm putting them in our Snapchat and our Instagram stories for restocks. Because we have so many people asking. And maybe that's a good time, too, to throw this out there. I love you guys so much and I'm always here to help you and I love responding to you guys and interacting with you; it's seriously like the most fun part of my job.
But I do want to ask you guys politely and with love to ... If you're going to message me for stuff, make sure you're messaging bodycandy and not my personal accounts. We've been starting to get a little bit of trickle over into there. Not because I don't love you, I will still be talking to you, it'll still be me responding to you on Instagram and Snapchat and all that. But just to keep everything not only in one place but just professional and making sure that I have everything, we do have other people that work in our department and if there's an issue when I'm not there, then there's other people that can look at your messages and handle it. So just keep that in mind, guys.
And I love having you guys on my social media stuff. It's again, super fun. But I did want to make sure I threw that out there. I'm trying to think of anything we've been getting a lot of. People have been asking about the influencer stuff and rock program options. We are going to have that stuff rolled out for you guys soon, so we'll let you know. So keep your eyes peeled for that as well on all of our stories.
Cailey asked what gauge do tunnels start at? I love those hangers but I'm in an eight. So these hangers are ... This is technically probably a 16 or an 18 gauge, technically, so this can be worn in as small as a regular earring hole. Tunnels start at like a 14 gauge. You can find them with the little hole through them. And eight gauge you would still totally have the hole enough to wear these. So keep that in mind.
Also, if you're an eight gauge you have access, you should go on our website, bodycandy.com, and search on stone hangers. All of our handcrafted hangers that AJ makes in house that are freaking stunning are all eight gauge. So you can check out the pyramids and stuff that we have, like the opalite pyramids and the rose quartz. There's like a bunch of versions of them so you should totally check them out. I don't know if you guys can tell that he's hanging out here. Here's one of my other angels. Hello, momma. This is ViVi. This is little Viv. She's not a cuddler so she's probably not going to stay very long. But she's right here. Hello. She's been scratching at my feet. Maybe we are hanging out. Oh, Viv. Okay. Go. Be free. I have another cat running around too. I'm not sure where he is right now, but he's around here. I should have brought a rat out for you guys, I didn't think about it.
Isn't she a babe. She's a sweet. We're the only two girls in the house so we have to team up. Let me see. I have some tunnels. So since I was in a wedding this week, I was looking through different earrings and stuff and I was like oh man, there's a bunch of tunnels that if they had been the right fit for the style of the wedding, I would have totally worn. So I grabbed a couple of them to show you guys. If it had been a little more wintry, these snowflakes would have absolutely 100% been in my ears. These are so cute. Oh my god. And they're so sparkly. I'm going to be loving these this winter for sure.
And as always, I think actually my first day, my first piece of jewelry I ever picked out from bodycandy that I loved were these plugs. And these are the rose gold druzy style plugs. And we also have some of these in the silver as well. Not in every size, but we do have them. So I grabbed those to bring with me, just because I like showing you guys my faves. This was ... I'm also covered in cat hair now because ... I have to brush them ... These were also another option that if I had been wearing rose gold I might have chosen.
They are kind of like a filigree wreath and they have the cute little diamonds in them too. So I thought these were really pretty and elegant. Hi everybody coming in, lots of people coming in. Let me look and see ... I also realized a couple weeks ago that I don't think I can see every comment that comes in, so if I ever miss you guys I'm super sorry. I think I can see most of it. I don't want anybody to ever think I'm leaving you out.
So again, if I had been looking for some gold pieces, these were another piece I came across I thought were really beautiful. They have like the different dangly feathers. Two of them are white and then the other three are gold finished, but they're all different. Which I always really like that look. They have kind of that art deco, like very elegant shape to the middle of them. And we have these in a ton of sizes as well. I thought these were really, really cool.
Let me see. I don't know if I brought too much more jewelry. Like I said, I was planning on being home so I figured you guys would have lots of questions and it was going to be a Saturday night so I wasn't sure what would happen with all of you guys viewing. Hi, Morgan, I've just been hanging out and talking with everybody; if you have any questions. If anybody has any questions about piercing-related things or jewelry.
Okay, this is a great question. So Amy asked do you have advice for moving up from an eight. I've been stuck. It doesn't matter what I try, I can't seem to move up. And when I think about just showing them through, I'm worried I'll blow out. I don't know if you guys saw this, but it was a viral video that just went around a couple weeks ago, and I'm sure you can easily find it. If you want to see what not to do, there was this girl, I think she was from the U.K. or something and she pretty much starts off the video saying I used to be ... Like it literally was almost an inch. Like seven eighths or something huge like that.
And she was like I haven't worn my plugs in months and her hole was almost normal sized again. And she was like I can probably just shove these right back through, and she blows out her ear. And it like made me sick to watch it. So that's the first thing I have to say is don't do anything like that and you'll be totally fine. You really have to be forcing something large into your ear to have it blow out like that, or really, really forcing it.
The first, best tip I have is always try to size up in the shower. Not only is the hot water going to be cleaner and healthier for you to be doing that in, the heat and the steam help your skin loosen up. Which is also something like, I tell you guys all the time, I'm almost kind of tugging. I actually got to size up this week, you guys, for the first time in a really long time. I was at 16 millimeters, which is five eighths, forever. And I got to hit up to an 18 millimeter this week.
So I'm pretty pumped about that. It was also stuck. Also in sizing up, if you are going through and you know what sizes you want, we sell kits on our website, bodycandy.com, that have like the tapers from like 14 gauge all the way up to zero. And then we have zero up to an inch, so you can pretty much get all of them for like 30 bucks. And Vaseline or like jojoba oil or vitamin E oil, something like that when you're sizing up is always a nice thing as well. Something lubricant, like you just want to use something natural. That's definitely the most important thing, you don't want to use anything that's like synthetic and full of a bunch of chemicals.
We're not going to be having a sneak peek at next month's belly ring club only because I did not think about doing that ahead of time. So I wasn't ready for you guys. But maybe what we'll do is ... I mean you guys can order it as of Monday so you're going to see it on Monday anyway. I'm super sorry, I should have done that.
Bridgette, the belly ring of the month club. It's kind of like ... Well, it is a subscription box. Kind of like Ipsy or Birch Box or anything like that where you get every month a package in the mail, except makeup. We have jewelry. So for the belly ring of the month club you get three belly rings, two of them are exclusive pieces that you can't buy on our site. And then the third piece is a custom, handcrafted piece from our handcrafted department. AJ and her team are the best and they always make the most beautiful things. So there's that option.
We're also going to have the industrial bar of the month club and the septum & daith club coming as well. Same thing, you're going to get three pieces, although they will not be handcrafted pieces in those clubs, they're going to be exclusive ones that you can't buy anywhere else. But they'll be special and super beautiful.
So if you guys are interested in any of the club info, if you go to bodycandy.com and search monthly club in the keyword search bar, it's going to bring up the option to the belly ring club. And if you click on it, it has pictures of all of the former months that we've had since we started in May. So you can see all of them. And then when the new club is available, you'll be able to see that there as well. And I know ... I think somebody got a response, but our Instagram is @bodycandy, I think I saw somebody asking that.
So yeah, keep your eye out for that. We have just the three clubs right now. Well, one club. The other two you'll be able to sign up for October 1. And then hopefully we're going to have more for you, but we've been working really hard to get those other two going for you. So keep that in the back of your minds and we'll get there.
I'm a size zero and I want to move up but I'm scared because I blew out my ear years ago. The ear that was blown out seems tighter than the other. Should I just stay at double zero or try to move up? Okay, so your ears don't ... Everybody's bodies are different and any part of your body can act differently. So it's not abnormal to have an ear that's tighter than the other, but you're definitely going to want to be careful and pay attention, which clearly you are. You at least acknowledge that you know that it's like that As I was saying, maybe you should try a taper, just to help the other one not be as tight. You could size it up a little bit.
But also the other thing I like to do, I'm still a little too sore to be doing this, so I'm not going to like show you too much, but when I'm not freshly sized up, after I've been there for like a week or two, I'll start dong this. Just when I'm talking or hanging out and doing something, I'll start tugging a little bit, maybe move it around like this. Just to help it loosen up. Clearly my ear is super irritated about that right now, so I'm not going to do that too much. But that constant, very light tugging seems to help loosen my ear, so you can totally try that.
Again anything with the hot shower and stuff, and like massaging your lobes. I take my plugs out every single day and clean them. Which also I think is definitely helpful. So just make sure that you're paying attention and just helping give them a little bit of love.
Becca asked if we're going to have a club, I'm assuming for cartilage. And probably, we just have been trying to decide with cartilage, plugs, things like that where there's tons of different measurements and sizes, we have to figure out how to make that a simple process for you guys to get what you need and what will fit you. So the belly ring of the month club was super easy because all belly rings are pretty much 14 gauge. And it's a little bit different where it's a little more universal.
Cartilage stuff, people need all different bar lengths. So we would have to be prepared for such a thing. We're working on it, guys.
Yep, we do offer international shipping. I see somebody asking about that, and Liz is doing a great job of responding to people. Thank you, Liz. The price and time definitely varies on where you're at, and customs and all that kind of stuff, so keep that in mind.
I got my helix and industrial done in April and I want to get a double helix in my other ear. Should I do it all at the same time like I did with the others, or at separate times? My whole ... With anything when you're going to mess with your ear, I always try to go for it in one shot. If you're going to do it all on one side especially, because if you're not going to be able to sleep on your ear for a few months, you might as well have three piercings there instead of just one.
So the double helix, I think what you're asking about is whether you should do one and then heal it. I would just do them both at the same time. There's no reason to wait. And then you just have to get through one time of healing and then you get to change your jewelry at the same time and well, hopefully, of course always pay attention because you could definitely have a piercing heal faster than the other one.
It's okay, Janine. We've just been hanging out and answering a bunch of random questions and stuff. So yeah, let me see what else I think I have. Oh, I have a pair of hangers with me. I keep forgetting about these. So we have the agates hangers. I know above a little bit ago I was saying that our hanger earrings that are like stone have the eight gauge hook on them. So if you have eight gauge or larger you can wear these. And this is the white pair. There is also a black option. These are all different because they're natural stone. So they definitely vary. So keep that in mind. You can kind of see the variation in even just these ones. But that's what I think makes them so freaking cool and beautiful.
Darlene, we have I think some new intimate stuff I saw. But I think we've definitely been working on that. I'm not sure that we have a ton in stock right now, but if you have any interest in that you can always hit me up. And the DM's on Instagram and I can see what we've got going on for you.
I'm glad to hear it, Cailey, those are some of my favorite earrings that we have, the agate ones I just showed you. Both pairs. I like them because if I wear the black pair when I'm being a little moodier, I feel good about it. And then if I want to dress in beiges and taupes and stuff I feel like the tan ones look a lot nicer with that.
Morgan asks what helps cartilage piercings heal. I always have trouble healing them. So, please don't ... Sorry, my cat started messing with paper. Cartilage piercings are a pain in the butt to heal. So your septum, for example, I know I've told you guys this probably a bunch of times throughout the time that I've worked here, but your septum I always thought was a cartilage piercing and the reason that the heal time on that is so short is because you're actually not getting pierced in any cartilage. You're getting pierced in between two pieces of it. So you're actually just getting pierced through skin right here.
Cartilage is hard, and there's very low blood flow. So that's what takes all of the time to heal is blood flow helps you heal it, helps get everything all in there and your body does it's natural thing. Because of that it takes a lot longer, first of all. Not bumping it helps, not touching it helps. That's the biggest thing I think I didn't know before I worked here was it always feels like you want to twist and turn stuff. You think you're helping it heal ... You know, you don't want it to settle. I don't even know how to describe that, but totally not good. You want to try not to move stuff and mess with it except for if you're cleaning it.
H2Ocean is definitely bomb if you like a pre made thing. Also you can make your own sea salt solution. Also you can use the Gold Dial soap. Kelly is suggesting titre oil for inflammation and irritation. I agree, but also have to be super careful with that guys. Make sure you're using carrier oils and if you don't understand what carrier oils are, that you're researching that and learning. Because straight titre oil on your skin is not good.
You need to cut it down on Vitamin E and stuff or another carrier oil. So make sure you look that up if you're interested in it. I can't go on too much about it, but I did want to touch base on that comment since it went out there.
Janine said I had my tragus pierced last June and it's October and mine hasn't healed. It keeps getting keloids and them dries them regardless. So a year heal time on a piercing is not abnormal in cartilage. I hear that a lot. But the keloid thing, I don't know if you're bumping it. You could just be prone to them, some people are just super prone to keloids. Just make sure you're not touching it as much as possible. And then sleeping is always a big one too. If you're sleeping it on something and really raking it in there, that can definitely not be good. My hair is super long so I think right now if I was going to get my ears pierced anywhere, I would probably need to make sure my hair was up all the time or braided. Because my hair gets caught on everything all the time.
Keloids are like the little bumps that you get. Actually, I can kind of show you guys one. I have ... It's almost gone now, but back in the day I had this helix in. I don't know if you can kind of tell, there's a little bump on the back of my ear. I had a double helix here and when I took it out ... Because I got it done with a gun ... Which is bad, you should not do that ... It formed a keloid. That pressure was really not good for me. So keep that in mind.
Am I selling any navel rings? We have tons of belly button rings, Ashley. If you go to bodycandy.com and you can either click ... There's tabs at the top of the page that are all pretty separated. There's like ear, belly button, all that kind of stuff, septum. And then you can click ... There's drop downs, there's a keyword search, there's filters when you get where you're going so you can search by metal finish. We have lots of people that are always asking me what metal finish our jewelry is, and the answer is we have tons of it. We have all different metal finishes.
Info on every product can always be found on our website. If you go to the product and click product description, the metal finish, the length, the diameter, the gauge size, everything should be listed there. If you ever have any questions about that, or you think something's missing or there's information that doesn't match, always let me know. But you should be good.
Cailey said that she had a problem with keloids on cartilage piercings and then switching from posts to hoops helped her. And that could definitely work for some people. That's the tough part with all this stuff is because everyone is so different, it's really, really difficult to give straight, certain advice to every person. Everybody's a little bit different.
Jasmine is asking about intimate piercings. We'll have, I think, some more jewelry coming in on that soon.
How do you get rid of them? I think I have in my natural piercing and I had to take it out a few days ago. Keloids, I don't even know what to say, because I'm not sure you can get rid of them. But I used to, when I was younger, when this happened to me, I would Google ... I have definitely seen ... Somebody just responded that they get their keloids injected with steroids. I've definitely read about things like that, where you can go to the doctor and they'll do that.
There used to be all sort of things on the internet that I don't think were true. So just don't ever go Googling around and trying stuff like that. It seems like you can figure it out, but honestly taking out my jewelry really did help mine go away. And again, I really, truly ... The fact that I got keloids on this was only because I got pierced with a gun. So my body did not like that.
Hi Jason, hello from China. Well, hello in China from the U.S.
Caitlyn, I want all my piercings to be matched and be themed but I'm not finding jewelry for all my piercings. Is there anything I can do? Yes, if you have something that you know you want to do, please message me, it's my favorite thing in the whole world. I can theme things in ways that maybe somebody might not think of, or can give you some different things.
Taryn, I appreciate that comment about the crushing up the aspirin. Again, I understand that people read things like that online and stuff. We cannot give out medical advice, so I would really appreciate it if we kept that stuff to a minimum. I did personally, I'll be honest, try this whole crush up the aspirin thing when I was younger. I don't know if it actually works. I don't know. If somebody's allergic to aspirin, you could really put yourself in a world of trouble, so just always maybe talk to your doctor first. I think that's the best thing. Always get medical advice from your doctor before you start messing with stuff.
But yeah, so for example, sometimes I'm like oh I want to be nature themed. We have plugs that have bugs on them. And then I'll wear like a stud that's a little leaf. And then I'll kind find all different things that fit together like that. My favorite thing right now is outer space. So matching up all the planets and the stars and stuff and the moons. I love that.
Liz is pointing out a great thing with cartilage piercings. Making sure that you downsize when you are no longer swollen. So when they pierce you, they give you a longer bar to allow for swelling. You can go back once you have gotten through that first chunk of time and you're not swelling so much any more, and have your piercer change you down to a shorter bar. That's going to keep you from getting caught on so much stuff and having it move constantly. So that's totally great advice.
Again, Brandy, we're going to walk away from the keloid thing now because it's super ... Such a fine line and I just have to be so careful not to give you guys medical information, because I am not medically trained. So let's move away from that.
Hi, Misty, congratulations on your new nose piercing.
I see people asking about Disney themed jewelry. That would be awesome. Disney is a licensed product so we would have to go through some stuff to get such a thing. But I'm glad people are asking and I will definitely let some higher up people know that people are asking about such a thing. So keep that in mind. We do have some licensed stuff. We've got like Playboy jewelry. We have NFL stuff. So if you have a favorite NFL team you can get nose studs.
I think we have industrials; we have a bunch of different things. Cartilage studs. Somebody's asking if we have shorter pregnancy belly rings instead of two inches. Probably not. The pregnancy belly rings are supposed to be really big like that because you need to allow for movement and swelling and stuff like that. And I'm not sure if you are pregnant or anything like that, but that is definitely why those are so long.
Are you asking about ... Destiny's asking about the process for gauges. So I assume you're asking about sizing up. If you ... Oh, Liz is saying you can actually cut them down too, if you wanted them to be smaller, which I didn't even know. So thank you Liz, she is the bomb. Coming in hot today; holy moly.
Ashley, we definitely have Steelers stuff.
So for stretching up, the first step is to decide you want to do it. The second step ... To be very honest, when I decided to start sizing up, I just went to my piercer, Anna, who I love so much at Cowpoke. And told her that that's what I wanted to do. She helped me pick out a pair of plugs that were a 12 gauge. So I went from an 18 gauge post to a 12 gauge which is like four sizes up. And what she did is she actually used a needle to help me size up to the 12.
It didn't even hurt. It didn't even feel like anything, because I already had the piercing. But it just helps with that initial stretching so that I did not have to wait so long. You can also go through the motions of the 16, the 14 with the tapers. And most of the time in the earlier sizes, you can size up like every two to four weeks, depending on what's going on and how you're body's dealing with it.
And then I think I noticed around zero and double zero it started taking me a lot longer to size up. And then I've been stuck at five eighths for awhile. Like well over a year, year and a half probably. And I was super bummed about it. And as I was saying earlier, I finally sized up two millimeters this week to an 18 millimeter from 16. Which I am very excited about. But something super interesting is I have really little ears. So when I was choosing what size I wanted, I saw a girl that had ... I still to this day ... I think she had double zeros and they looked so cute on her.
And then when I got to double zero, it looked different on my ear, because I think she had even tinier ears than me. And it looked bigger on her, and I wanted a bigger look. So I kept going. It's so hard to stop. I see people asking if we're going to get more teardrop plugs for an inch or larger. We have been working on getting in more stuff in larger sizes. It's difficult, because it's definitely a product that not as many people are looking for from us, usually.
But since we're starting to get such an increase, I have been making note. Because I feel like we're getting a lot of requests for the 25 to 26 millimeter range. So I will make a note of that, Emily.
Let me see, thank you everybody for being so sweet and so nice.
Jade, that is a fanagram poster. It's actually a vinyl. I also love now-now a lot. And actually this really awesome picture; here, let me just show you guys. This thing, this little ditty, so my husband's grandma used to do this really awesome art where she would put crystal glasses and put ink in them and then take photos and develop them. And that's what that is. So that's really awesome. We have a couple of them. Here, I'll show you guys another one. I'll show you guys another one. I got to take you off the mount, though.
This one's over my fireplace. Isn't that so cool. It looks kind of like lilacs or something. But it's huge and I love it. So I have lots of art. I have lots of art. We have pictures all over. This is another picture his grandma took in Arizona. I love taxidermy. I'll show you guys a little bit of my house. I've got some taxidermy stuff. I went to a couple of really cool places and got those.
I've got some cute little Halloween decorations up. So cute. It's my house, kinda. I'm a plant lady, so I've got lots of plants. I don't know if you guys want to see any of that. I'll give you guys a quick little ... We'll get a little spin going on here. It's trying to focus on me too. Maybe I should just use the opposite camera, like a smart person. So this is my little garden.
This is probably going to be my Christmas tree this year, because this leaf is like the size of my head. It's frickin' huge. I have a whole little corner. I love plants, so that's a little bit more about me. Let me see.
Hello, everyone. All right, so I think I'm probably going to get going in a couple of minutes here, so if you guys have any other questions, get them out now. Or forever hold your peace until next Friday. Or you can always hit me up. Just to go through our social media one more time. @bodycandy is our Twitter, @bodycandy is our Instagram, bodycandy.com is our Snapchat. Bodycandybodyjewelry on YouTube and Facebook. Snapchat again was a little slow this week because everything's been so crazy for me. I've been going hard, like all the wedding planning for the wedding I was in yesterday was really commencing this week and getting down to the nitty gritty.
And I had all that kind of stuff, so I was really, really working it through this week. But we have been slowly getting back on our scheduled programming of Snapchat. For anybody that's asking, piercing experiences, get pierced Thursday is going to be back this upcoming week. So I hope everybody is super pumped about that.
I love all of that kind of stuff.
Emily, my cats would also destroy cool dead things. So that's why mine are hung up. Because they have to stay up. They're good with leaves that don't move or sway like the snake plants. These, the tall ones over here, they're good with. But like this one, the big tree one, they'll eat everything. So keep that in mind.
Thank you, Destiny. So this is like my Tequila Sunrise makeup. How long do piercings take to heal? It depends on the piercing. Four to six weeks on average for a septum. Your nose, I feel like I had a hard time healing my nose. It took me like six or eight months and I feel like I had some issues with some bumps. That were actually truly related to, once my swelling went down, my nose stud was too long. And because it was moving all the time, it was causing irritation.
Most cartilage stuff takes about ten months to a year. And again, this can all vary.
Thanks, April. Are you talking about my bloodstone ring. I kind of ... I wish the lights weren't in the way, because it's got the coolest colors in it. But the lights are kind of taking away from it. It's like an evergreen color with a red ... It's like speckly, it's beautiful.
Above your lip and tongue piercings, how long for them? Okay, so your medusa is a little bit of a longer ... Like the initial piercing time ... Like your first couple of weeks, you're super swollen. Two to four months-ish, because it's a skin spot, but it shouldn't be too bad. But you are eating. I think your tongue is actually quicker. I can look that up for you, because I don't know.
Yeah, just three to four weeks on a tongue piercing. Because you're eating and stuff all the time and you have saliva and different enzymes and things like that that are always going around. So that's a little bit different.
How do you prevent bumps on your nose piercings? Any piercings, bumps and stuff, just try not to touch stuff. That's the most important part. Try not to mess with things. If you do touch your jewelry to clean it, make sure you're cleaning your hands first. That's super important.
I do see people saying with the nose stuff to change from hoops to studs and things like that. With cartilage piercings, that's absolutely true most of the time. Noses you have to be super careful with. I got pierced on this side with a ring, and I've never tried to not wear a ring in it. But these ones I was pierced with these studs and I tried to change into a ring and it was a little more uncomfortable for me. Because if you think about it, a stud is straight like this. A ring is going to be curved through. So you're going to heal different.
So if you're going to change from one to the other, you can expect a little bit of discomfort. For any of you that are on Snapchat, you guys found me being a little bit of a goober a couple of weeks ago. I tried to change my nose jewelry on an empty stomach and I did not realize that I had accidentally sized down ... The nose stud I wearing was like an 18 or a 20 gauge and I tried to pop back up to a 16, and then almost passed out. So that was a thing.
Taryn, I'm not sure about a bridge either, I can look that up for you too. This is all pretty standard. It's all available on Google. I love to use the APP website. If you guys ever need any medical or even semi-medical advice from somebody that's not a doctor ... Eight to twelve weeks, it says, for a bridge piercing.
And actually, I don't want to promise too hard, but I think we have somebody that's going to be willing to get their bridge pierced for us in the next couple of weeks here. So we're going to have that for our gap pierce Thursday for a piercing experience. You guys will be able to see someone get that done. It will be really awesome.
I'm finally going to be doing my high nostrils now that I'm done with all the sweating stuff. I was afraid of having a big old swollen nose, or like having a problem right before something so important. So I took my time, but now I can do that.
Kelly said I have a five sixteenth hoop in my daith; will a quarter hoop be too small. If the five sixteenth hoop is a little bit bigger on you and you think you have room to size down, it should be fine. I think I can technically wear a quarter inch studs in certain things. I know that's not the same thing as a hoop. I don't know, if you think you've got room, if the five sixteenth is roomy or a little big, then yes, most likely. The quarter inch would almost fit in my septum but it's like a little snug on me. And I'm assuming in your daith it's going to be the same thing. So just take that into consideration.
Yeah. So thanks so much for joining me tonight guys. This was really fun. If you guys have any other questions, feel free to hit me up on Snapchat or Instagram where I live, and make sure you join us tomorrow on selfie Sunday on Snapchat so you can send me pictures of your beautiful faces. And we'll share you.
I appreciate that everybody joined me.
Jasmine, if you have any questions like that, you can absolutely hit me up on our bodycandy Instagram. Hit us up on the DMs on there and I'll get to you asap. And thank you, Liz just posted another PSA. If you have any issues with a package or not being sure about your shipping or anything like that, make sure you're contacting customer service.
I've had to tell a bunch of people that I'm sorry I can't help them. So I just want to make sure that people know that I would love to be able to help you, but I can't. So I see one more question and then I'm going to get out of here. Vanessa asked for any tips on an eyebrow piercing, because she felt like hers never wanted to heal so she gave it up.
Again, everyone's body is different so I'm really not sure. Maybe again trying to keep it clean and not mess with it. I'm not sure, maybe that'll be an interesting live topic for an upcoming thing, to learn about why things might not heal. Because that could be super interesting.
So thanks so much for joining me, you guys. I hope you guys have an awesome weekend. I will see you all next week on Friday at 1:00 Eastern Standard Time as usual. If you were one of the people that don't normally get to catch me at 1:00 and this was way easier for you, make sure you leave like, how about we say a tree or a leaf emoji or something in the comments just so that when I go back and look later, I can look and kind of see how many little trees I have. If we get enough of them, I will make sure that I do this once a month where I can catch you guys a little bit later. And keep in mind we're going to start doing the live videos different places, kind of like we did a couple of weeks ago where I was down by the water.
Hi, Aunt Carrie, I love you. Bye, April. Bye, Casey. I will see you guys all so soon. Love you guys, bye.
I know we posted a status on Facebook yesterday, and we asked you guys if you had any questions so I'm going to pull that up right now. And we're just going to see what's going on with that. I've got some jewelry sneak peaks for you. We'll talk about the new clubs a little bit for anybody that wasn't here last week.
Hello everyone coming in. Hello, hello. So we'll go over all that. Sneak peaks of some jewelry that I saw when I was at work the other day that I'm super pumped about, and I thought you guys might want to see it. So let me see here ... I hope everybody had a good week. Feels weird to be here on a Saturday night. Let me see. Hello everyone coming in.
So while I'm scrolling through this and just looking to see what questions we had, let me see, does anybody have any other random questions. I guess I should just talk about the club stuff while I'm going here. Just to remind everybody, October is coming, it is here like not tomorrow, Monday. So the new monthly club is going to be out for the belly ring of the month. It's very, very cute. I do want to let everybody know that it has a Halloween-themed piece, a non-Halloween-themed piece and then the third one is kind of a fall piece. We've been getting a lot of people that are asking what's in that; $14.95 a month you get the three belly rings. And also if you weren't here last week, are going to have the industrial bar of the month club, as well as the septum/daith clubs, since they're the same rings.
What do you mean, Corey, because there's like a labret, there's snake bites, there's spider bites, there's like a monroe up here, the Medusa is here. I'm sorry that you had a hard time finding your size, Makayla. Seven sixteenths is kind of an odd one. Nine sixteenths is a much more common one.
Hello. Hello, hello everyone coming in. So that's definitely one that we aren't going to have in stock as much, but I will make note of it because I have definitely seen a few other people requesting that lately. Lane, we always have new nose rings. Like every week we upload new products.
Hello everyone coming in. Man, it's getting lit, we're over 100 viewers. So we're doing good. I know this is a little bit of a weird time for everyone. Let me see if I can snag a child of mine in a minute here. So, let's see. All the clubs are still going to be the $14.95 a month. We will be able to have you guys sign up for the two new clubs on October 1, so make sure you're keeping your eyes peeled for that.
Hello, hello, Marissa - conch jewelry. Any of our cartilage jewelry should work in your conch, so any of the studs that have like the little ball in the back, or even a flat back probably. Lots of sizing questions, so anything with that, keeping dropping those in the comments but I'm probably not going to address those questions -- excuse me -- on here. Just because ... Hi, is it Leeah or Lee, I see a first-time watcher; I always try to say hello to people. You're not late, Becca, we're all just hanging out. It's Saturday, we're chilling. Nothing crazy. I went to the flea market today. And actually, I got this really cool thing that is jewelry inspired. So this is a butter dish, but it's like an old silver one. And it has like lions and stuff on it. And I'm going to put my jewelry ... Lookit, frickin' look at this, this is so cool. So I'm going to use this for a little jewelry tin for all the jewelry I take off at night, something like that.
Thanks, Jenny. I'm still racking my hard wing from the wedding yesterday. Hi, Kimberly. Oh, another, is it Leah? I hate botching people's names. So yeah, that's a cool little thing I got today. Let me see, I'm going to pull a question off of the status from yesterday really quick. I'm going to see if there's anything on here that applies to anybody. Somebody was asking for a sneak peak for the belly ring of the month club. I don't have any of the pieces with me or else I might. But while you guys are all here, I will sneak peak a couple of things.
Hello everybody that's coming in. I always go through every week and look through all the new products that are coming in and try to kind of see what I want to wear, and what I think you guys are going to like, and what I want to put on different social media platforms and stuff. And yesterday, well not yesterday, Thursday, Wednesday ... My week's been so crazy. Wednesday I went out there, I was hunting around and we have so many of the tunnel earrings right now that just came in. They can also be worn as regular earrings, so I grabbed a bunch of them to show you guys.
These aren't going to be listed on the site yet, but I figured that you guys would enjoy seeing some of them, because we got a bunch, we got a bunch. So this is your sneak peak that everybody was asking for. Again, disclaimer, none of these are going to be available yet. But as soon as they are, I will post a status on our Instagram stories, which I'm also doing for Halloween jewelry on restocks, because you guys have been asking so much. So the first pair we have are like these mandala, like with the druzy in the middle; they're like a teal blue. So these are really beautiful. So you can where these through a tunnel or these have, like I said, a regular thickness on them as far as an earring goes. And actually these are the silver tunnels that I wore for the wedding that I was in yesterday. These are listed on the site already. And because there's holes in them, I think I can actually slide that through. I didn't latch it but it did go through it. So these are super, super cute. Just want to make sure you guys see these one more time.
I got my lighting working better today, so we're actually ... This looks like it's doing a lot better than we were. Maddie asked about a nose ring hoop. We have tons of those on the site. We have like pretty much every metal; well, we have every metal finish. And don't forget that we have our custom gold department that can do the rose gold silver and gold nose hoops for you. So this is the next pair of hangers that I found that aren't listed yet. But they're just simple little kitties. I thought these were really, really cool. Again, I feel like you could almost wear, if you had in the tunnels, like two different pairs of earrings together if you wore these. I really, really liked these. I just liked how simple they were.
Let me see. Now these are a little less simple, but still simple somehow. These are geometric kitties. We got in so many cool earrings, you guys. These are awesome. So there are gold and these are just, like I said, the normal earring and they just pop in like that, and they're super cute. So as soon as these are going to be listed on the site, I'll let you guys know since I'm getting you all excited about it. You know what, I don't know any of the product information on these yet, because they aren't listed. So I wouldn't have any idea. These are probably, I would assume, gold anodized for the gold cat ones. And then the others I'm going to assume, they look like they've got a regular surgical sealed earring to me. But I would definitely read the product description when they get listed.
We also have these really cute crescent moons. These are kind of like the gunmetal black finish. So I don't know if you can tell from here; they look kind of silver on this. But I thought these were really cool for Halloween. Thanks, everybody. I was in a wedding yesterday, so I did my best. I kept my eyes overnight. I had to redo everything else this morning. But I figured I'd hold on to it as long as I could. There's a few more pairs here. I grabbed as many as my little hands could hold for you. We have some more of the druzy center ones with the star. A lot of these are so cool, even not just for fall and Halloween. I thought these were all just really neat pieces.
And like I said, I live these because then I can pick a pair of tunnels and these and then I don't have to choose between stuff. We have these cute moons with the opal gems. Let me see if I can turn this down a little bit for you so you can see this a little better. So these were super cool.
Dawn asked about getting septum piercings, any advice? Septums are a really easy piercing experience/heal. They heal pretty quickly, like four to six weeks usually. So my only advice is to just to make sure you go to a piercer that you really love and trust and that makes you super comfortable. You know, the shop is clean and all that kind of stuff. APP-certified piercers are definitely a bonus, so always keep that in mind. And other than that, just make sure you're not over cleaning. I think that's the biggest thing I want to stress to you guys right now.
I've gotten so many messages in the last couple of weeks of people telling me that they have irritations with their piercings and they're like I don't know why this is happening to me, I'm cleaning it three times a day. That's why. So make sure you guys aren't over washing. Just the once a day in the hot shower if you can help it, either with your sea salt wash or I know I always tell you guys I can't give out medical advice, but I do use Gold Dial soap still. And I live them.
Yes, Lizzie these are all ... All the earrings I just showed are regular earrings posts, but they can be worn through tunnels as well. So they're just like a normal ... They're on a little hookie. I'll let you guys know when these will be available, like I said. Because I know you guys have all been interested. This is the last pair I think I'm going to show you of the hangies. Nope, we've got one more very important pair for you to see after this.
We've got some really cute unicorns with the opalite style gem on them. These are super, super cool. We had so many really good ones out there. We've been filling up; we've been getting in more Halloween jewelry for you, so we've been hustling on that because we know you guys have been interested.
Dallas, I don't have anything for a dermal with me today, but we do carry them on our websites. Just to run through our social media real quick, bodycandy.com is where you can purchase anything that you're seeing usually, but not this stuff because it was a sneak peek. But my plugs are listed; I know I was saying that. They're just listed as filigree plugs I think. Also on social media @bodycandy is our Twitter and Instagram handle. Bodycandy.com is our Snapchat handle. You're already on Facebook. We also have a YouTube account, youtube.com/bodycandybodyjewelry. So make sure to keep an eye out on all of our platforms.
We are going to be having some different ... We're going to start having some things that aren't offered on every platform ... Oh, we have a kitty. We'll have special coupon codes if you're on Snapchat and things like that, so make sure you're on everything. We do giveaways on every platform as well. Make sure if you haven't and you are already on our Instagram or if you haven't, you should get over there and get on there, we are doing a giveaway right now. It's going to end tomorrow night, and the winner is going to be chosen on Monday.
If you look, I just reposted the picture too. There is a whole tray worth of ... It's like 200 bucks worth of jewelry that you guys can win. So make sure you sign up. All the info is listed on the post for that.
Tony, I'm glad to hear that. That's why this is happening, partially. Not only did I have my wedding stuff to do yesterday, I was a bridesmaid so I really didn't have any access to my phone part of the day. And then when I did it wasn't really, it wasn't something that I should be at my phone too much through. But today I figured I would try a later time, since I wasn't kind of pigeonholed into an earlier one today. And maybe we'll start doing this once a month so that everybody can catch me live at different times.
I didn't bring any like other ... I have a couple ... I have one more pair of hangie earrings and then I have a couple of pairs of plugs with me. But I don't have a lot of jewelry since I'm at home. I'm sorry, guys. But anything I see on here, I'll make sure I'll bring next week, because we'll be back to normal programming.
This is ... I know he's a little off frame ... This is Sebastian. Can you hear him purring? I know you guys might have seen him when I was home a couple weeks ago. My little mean mugger. He's so sweet. He looks mean but he's not. He's a little cuddle monster.
Jamie asks how you wear these earrings with tunnels. Shoot. I don't think I have any tunnels with me that are going to show this very well. But I might be able ... Like I said, I could pop these through this. Because I have on like kind of a tunnel almost. Since these are a little bit open, you just stick them through and then they like just dangle through. So this is kind of like a side view. And they just kind of-
Hi, April. April was our $1000 gift card winner a couple of weeks ago. Alyssa, we've just been hanging out, you didn't miss too much. But you can always go back and watch later. I've just been pretty much showing some sneak peaks of some jewelry and being goofy. I know, honey. He's like why are you doing things and not looking at me. Oh, honey bunny. Let me see. So one last pair of hangie earrings, wherever I may have put them. Oh, there they are. These were some of my favorite ones.
We will definitely be making sure that we'll be posting when these are happening. Bye-bye. Like I said, these are like the Ouija board. But they're in an earring. I thought these were so cool. There's like an eyeball in there; I don't know if you can tell. I need to use my forehead again, but not because my camera won't focus. Just so you can kind of see what's behind it. Super cute. So make sure you guys keep an eye out for these. I know I've said it like five times but I just want to stress it again.
Any of the Halloween jewelry pieces that you guys have been asking about restock dates on, I'm just going to make sure that I'm putting them in our Snapchat and our Instagram stories for restocks. Because we have so many people asking. And maybe that's a good time, too, to throw this out there. I love you guys so much and I'm always here to help you and I love responding to you guys and interacting with you; it's seriously like the most fun part of my job.
But I do want to ask you guys politely and with love to ... If you're going to message me for stuff, make sure you're messaging bodycandy and not my personal accounts. We've been starting to get a little bit of trickle over into there. Not because I don't love you, I will still be talking to you, it'll still be me responding to you on Instagram and Snapchat and all that. But just to keep everything not only in one place but just professional and making sure that I have everything, we do have other people that work in our department and if there's an issue when I'm not there, then there's other people that can look at your messages and handle it. So just keep that in mind, guys.
And I love having you guys on my social media stuff. It's again, super fun. But I did want to make sure I threw that out there. I'm trying to think of anything we've been getting a lot of. People have been asking about the influencer stuff and rock program options. We are going to have that stuff rolled out for you guys soon, so we'll let you know. So keep your eyes peeled for that as well on all of our stories.
Cailey asked what gauge do tunnels start at? I love those hangers but I'm in an eight. So these hangers are ... This is technically probably a 16 or an 18 gauge, technically, so this can be worn in as small as a regular earring hole. Tunnels start at like a 14 gauge. You can find them with the little hole through them. And eight gauge you would still totally have the hole enough to wear these. So keep that in mind.
Also, if you're an eight gauge you have access, you should go on our website, bodycandy.com, and search on stone hangers. All of our handcrafted hangers that AJ makes in house that are freaking stunning are all eight gauge. So you can check out the pyramids and stuff that we have, like the opalite pyramids and the rose quartz. There's like a bunch of versions of them so you should totally check them out. I don't know if you guys can tell that he's hanging out here. Here's one of my other angels. Hello, momma. This is ViVi. This is little Viv. She's not a cuddler so she's probably not going to stay very long. But she's right here. Hello. She's been scratching at my feet. Maybe we are hanging out. Oh, Viv. Okay. Go. Be free. I have another cat running around too. I'm not sure where he is right now, but he's around here. I should have brought a rat out for you guys, I didn't think about it.
Isn't she a babe. She's a sweet. We're the only two girls in the house so we have to team up. Let me see. I have some tunnels. So since I was in a wedding this week, I was looking through different earrings and stuff and I was like oh man, there's a bunch of tunnels that if they had been the right fit for the style of the wedding, I would have totally worn. So I grabbed a couple of them to show you guys. If it had been a little more wintry, these snowflakes would have absolutely 100% been in my ears. These are so cute. Oh my god. And they're so sparkly. I'm going to be loving these this winter for sure.
And as always, I think actually my first day, my first piece of jewelry I ever picked out from bodycandy that I loved were these plugs. And these are the rose gold druzy style plugs. And we also have some of these in the silver as well. Not in every size, but we do have them. So I grabbed those to bring with me, just because I like showing you guys my faves. This was ... I'm also covered in cat hair now because ... I have to brush them ... These were also another option that if I had been wearing rose gold I might have chosen.
They are kind of like a filigree wreath and they have the cute little diamonds in them too. So I thought these were really pretty and elegant. Hi everybody coming in, lots of people coming in. Let me look and see ... I also realized a couple weeks ago that I don't think I can see every comment that comes in, so if I ever miss you guys I'm super sorry. I think I can see most of it. I don't want anybody to ever think I'm leaving you out.
So again, if I had been looking for some gold pieces, these were another piece I came across I thought were really beautiful. They have like the different dangly feathers. Two of them are white and then the other three are gold finished, but they're all different. Which I always really like that look. They have kind of that art deco, like very elegant shape to the middle of them. And we have these in a ton of sizes as well. I thought these were really, really cool.
Let me see. I don't know if I brought too much more jewelry. Like I said, I was planning on being home so I figured you guys would have lots of questions and it was going to be a Saturday night so I wasn't sure what would happen with all of you guys viewing. Hi, Morgan, I've just been hanging out and talking with everybody; if you have any questions. If anybody has any questions about piercing-related things or jewelry.
Okay, this is a great question. So Amy asked do you have advice for moving up from an eight. I've been stuck. It doesn't matter what I try, I can't seem to move up. And when I think about just showing them through, I'm worried I'll blow out. I don't know if you guys saw this, but it was a viral video that just went around a couple weeks ago, and I'm sure you can easily find it. If you want to see what not to do, there was this girl, I think she was from the U.K. or something and she pretty much starts off the video saying I used to be ... Like it literally was almost an inch. Like seven eighths or something huge like that.
And she was like I haven't worn my plugs in months and her hole was almost normal sized again. And she was like I can probably just shove these right back through, and she blows out her ear. And it like made me sick to watch it. So that's the first thing I have to say is don't do anything like that and you'll be totally fine. You really have to be forcing something large into your ear to have it blow out like that, or really, really forcing it.
The first, best tip I have is always try to size up in the shower. Not only is the hot water going to be cleaner and healthier for you to be doing that in, the heat and the steam help your skin loosen up. Which is also something like, I tell you guys all the time, I'm almost kind of tugging. I actually got to size up this week, you guys, for the first time in a really long time. I was at 16 millimeters, which is five eighths, forever. And I got to hit up to an 18 millimeter this week.
So I'm pretty pumped about that. It was also stuck. Also in sizing up, if you are going through and you know what sizes you want, we sell kits on our website, bodycandy.com, that have like the tapers from like 14 gauge all the way up to zero. And then we have zero up to an inch, so you can pretty much get all of them for like 30 bucks. And Vaseline or like jojoba oil or vitamin E oil, something like that when you're sizing up is always a nice thing as well. Something lubricant, like you just want to use something natural. That's definitely the most important thing, you don't want to use anything that's like synthetic and full of a bunch of chemicals.
We're not going to be having a sneak peek at next month's belly ring club only because I did not think about doing that ahead of time. So I wasn't ready for you guys. But maybe what we'll do is ... I mean you guys can order it as of Monday so you're going to see it on Monday anyway. I'm super sorry, I should have done that.
Bridgette, the belly ring of the month club. It's kind of like ... Well, it is a subscription box. Kind of like Ipsy or Birch Box or anything like that where you get every month a package in the mail, except makeup. We have jewelry. So for the belly ring of the month club you get three belly rings, two of them are exclusive pieces that you can't buy on our site. And then the third piece is a custom, handcrafted piece from our handcrafted department. AJ and her team are the best and they always make the most beautiful things. So there's that option.
We're also going to have the industrial bar of the month club and the septum & daith club coming as well. Same thing, you're going to get three pieces, although they will not be handcrafted pieces in those clubs, they're going to be exclusive ones that you can't buy anywhere else. But they'll be special and super beautiful.
So if you guys are interested in any of the club info, if you go to bodycandy.com and search monthly club in the keyword search bar, it's going to bring up the option to the belly ring club. And if you click on it, it has pictures of all of the former months that we've had since we started in May. So you can see all of them. And then when the new club is available, you'll be able to see that there as well. And I know ... I think somebody got a response, but our Instagram is @bodycandy, I think I saw somebody asking that.
So yeah, keep your eye out for that. We have just the three clubs right now. Well, one club. The other two you'll be able to sign up for October 1. And then hopefully we're going to have more for you, but we've been working really hard to get those other two going for you. So keep that in the back of your minds and we'll get there.
I'm a size zero and I want to move up but I'm scared because I blew out my ear years ago. The ear that was blown out seems tighter than the other. Should I just stay at double zero or try to move up? Okay, so your ears don't ... Everybody's bodies are different and any part of your body can act differently. So it's not abnormal to have an ear that's tighter than the other, but you're definitely going to want to be careful and pay attention, which clearly you are. You at least acknowledge that you know that it's like that As I was saying, maybe you should try a taper, just to help the other one not be as tight. You could size it up a little bit.
But also the other thing I like to do, I'm still a little too sore to be doing this, so I'm not going to like show you too much, but when I'm not freshly sized up, after I've been there for like a week or two, I'll start dong this. Just when I'm talking or hanging out and doing something, I'll start tugging a little bit, maybe move it around like this. Just to help it loosen up. Clearly my ear is super irritated about that right now, so I'm not going to do that too much. But that constant, very light tugging seems to help loosen my ear, so you can totally try that.
Again anything with the hot shower and stuff, and like massaging your lobes. I take my plugs out every single day and clean them. Which also I think is definitely helpful. So just make sure that you're paying attention and just helping give them a little bit of love.
Becca asked if we're going to have a club, I'm assuming for cartilage. And probably, we just have been trying to decide with cartilage, plugs, things like that where there's tons of different measurements and sizes, we have to figure out how to make that a simple process for you guys to get what you need and what will fit you. So the belly ring of the month club was super easy because all belly rings are pretty much 14 gauge. And it's a little bit different where it's a little more universal.
Cartilage stuff, people need all different bar lengths. So we would have to be prepared for such a thing. We're working on it, guys.
Yep, we do offer international shipping. I see somebody asking about that, and Liz is doing a great job of responding to people. Thank you, Liz. The price and time definitely varies on where you're at, and customs and all that kind of stuff, so keep that in mind.
I got my helix and industrial done in April and I want to get a double helix in my other ear. Should I do it all at the same time like I did with the others, or at separate times? My whole ... With anything when you're going to mess with your ear, I always try to go for it in one shot. If you're going to do it all on one side especially, because if you're not going to be able to sleep on your ear for a few months, you might as well have three piercings there instead of just one.
So the double helix, I think what you're asking about is whether you should do one and then heal it. I would just do them both at the same time. There's no reason to wait. And then you just have to get through one time of healing and then you get to change your jewelry at the same time and well, hopefully, of course always pay attention because you could definitely have a piercing heal faster than the other one.
It's okay, Janine. We've just been hanging out and answering a bunch of random questions and stuff. So yeah, let me see what else I think I have. Oh, I have a pair of hangers with me. I keep forgetting about these. So we have the agates hangers. I know above a little bit ago I was saying that our hanger earrings that are like stone have the eight gauge hook on them. So if you have eight gauge or larger you can wear these. And this is the white pair. There is also a black option. These are all different because they're natural stone. So they definitely vary. So keep that in mind. You can kind of see the variation in even just these ones. But that's what I think makes them so freaking cool and beautiful.
Darlene, we have I think some new intimate stuff I saw. But I think we've definitely been working on that. I'm not sure that we have a ton in stock right now, but if you have any interest in that you can always hit me up. And the DM's on Instagram and I can see what we've got going on for you.
I'm glad to hear it, Cailey, those are some of my favorite earrings that we have, the agate ones I just showed you. Both pairs. I like them because if I wear the black pair when I'm being a little moodier, I feel good about it. And then if I want to dress in beiges and taupes and stuff I feel like the tan ones look a lot nicer with that.
Morgan asks what helps cartilage piercings heal. I always have trouble healing them. So, please don't ... Sorry, my cat started messing with paper. Cartilage piercings are a pain in the butt to heal. So your septum, for example, I know I've told you guys this probably a bunch of times throughout the time that I've worked here, but your septum I always thought was a cartilage piercing and the reason that the heal time on that is so short is because you're actually not getting pierced in any cartilage. You're getting pierced in between two pieces of it. So you're actually just getting pierced through skin right here.
Cartilage is hard, and there's very low blood flow. So that's what takes all of the time to heal is blood flow helps you heal it, helps get everything all in there and your body does it's natural thing. Because of that it takes a lot longer, first of all. Not bumping it helps, not touching it helps. That's the biggest thing I think I didn't know before I worked here was it always feels like you want to twist and turn stuff. You think you're helping it heal ... You know, you don't want it to settle. I don't even know how to describe that, but totally not good. You want to try not to move stuff and mess with it except for if you're cleaning it.
H2Ocean is definitely bomb if you like a pre made thing. Also you can make your own sea salt solution. Also you can use the Gold Dial soap. Kelly is suggesting titre oil for inflammation and irritation. I agree, but also have to be super careful with that guys. Make sure you're using carrier oils and if you don't understand what carrier oils are, that you're researching that and learning. Because straight titre oil on your skin is not good.
You need to cut it down on Vitamin E and stuff or another carrier oil. So make sure you look that up if you're interested in it. I can't go on too much about it, but I did want to touch base on that comment since it went out there.
Janine said I had my tragus pierced last June and it's October and mine hasn't healed. It keeps getting keloids and them dries them regardless. So a year heal time on a piercing is not abnormal in cartilage. I hear that a lot. But the keloid thing, I don't know if you're bumping it. You could just be prone to them, some people are just super prone to keloids. Just make sure you're not touching it as much as possible. And then sleeping is always a big one too. If you're sleeping it on something and really raking it in there, that can definitely not be good. My hair is super long so I think right now if I was going to get my ears pierced anywhere, I would probably need to make sure my hair was up all the time or braided. Because my hair gets caught on everything all the time.
Keloids are like the little bumps that you get. Actually, I can kind of show you guys one. I have ... It's almost gone now, but back in the day I had this helix in. I don't know if you can kind of tell, there's a little bump on the back of my ear. I had a double helix here and when I took it out ... Because I got it done with a gun ... Which is bad, you should not do that ... It formed a keloid. That pressure was really not good for me. So keep that in mind.
Am I selling any navel rings? We have tons of belly button rings, Ashley. If you go to bodycandy.com and you can either click ... There's tabs at the top of the page that are all pretty separated. There's like ear, belly button, all that kind of stuff, septum. And then you can click ... There's drop downs, there's a keyword search, there's filters when you get where you're going so you can search by metal finish. We have lots of people that are always asking me what metal finish our jewelry is, and the answer is we have tons of it. We have all different metal finishes.
Info on every product can always be found on our website. If you go to the product and click product description, the metal finish, the length, the diameter, the gauge size, everything should be listed there. If you ever have any questions about that, or you think something's missing or there's information that doesn't match, always let me know. But you should be good.
Cailey said that she had a problem with keloids on cartilage piercings and then switching from posts to hoops helped her. And that could definitely work for some people. That's the tough part with all this stuff is because everyone is so different, it's really, really difficult to give straight, certain advice to every person. Everybody's a little bit different.
Jasmine is asking about intimate piercings. We'll have, I think, some more jewelry coming in on that soon.
How do you get rid of them? I think I have in my natural piercing and I had to take it out a few days ago. Keloids, I don't even know what to say, because I'm not sure you can get rid of them. But I used to, when I was younger, when this happened to me, I would Google ... I have definitely seen ... Somebody just responded that they get their keloids injected with steroids. I've definitely read about things like that, where you can go to the doctor and they'll do that.
There used to be all sort of things on the internet that I don't think were true. So just don't ever go Googling around and trying stuff like that. It seems like you can figure it out, but honestly taking out my jewelry really did help mine go away. And again, I really, truly ... The fact that I got keloids on this was only because I got pierced with a gun. So my body did not like that.
Hi Jason, hello from China. Well, hello in China from the U.S.
Caitlyn, I want all my piercings to be matched and be themed but I'm not finding jewelry for all my piercings. Is there anything I can do? Yes, if you have something that you know you want to do, please message me, it's my favorite thing in the whole world. I can theme things in ways that maybe somebody might not think of, or can give you some different things.
Taryn, I appreciate that comment about the crushing up the aspirin. Again, I understand that people read things like that online and stuff. We cannot give out medical advice, so I would really appreciate it if we kept that stuff to a minimum. I did personally, I'll be honest, try this whole crush up the aspirin thing when I was younger. I don't know if it actually works. I don't know. If somebody's allergic to aspirin, you could really put yourself in a world of trouble, so just always maybe talk to your doctor first. I think that's the best thing. Always get medical advice from your doctor before you start messing with stuff.
But yeah, so for example, sometimes I'm like oh I want to be nature themed. We have plugs that have bugs on them. And then I'll wear like a stud that's a little leaf. And then I'll kind find all different things that fit together like that. My favorite thing right now is outer space. So matching up all the planets and the stars and stuff and the moons. I love that.
Liz is pointing out a great thing with cartilage piercings. Making sure that you downsize when you are no longer swollen. So when they pierce you, they give you a longer bar to allow for swelling. You can go back once you have gotten through that first chunk of time and you're not swelling so much any more, and have your piercer change you down to a shorter bar. That's going to keep you from getting caught on so much stuff and having it move constantly. So that's totally great advice.
Again, Brandy, we're going to walk away from the keloid thing now because it's super ... Such a fine line and I just have to be so careful not to give you guys medical information, because I am not medically trained. So let's move away from that.
Hi, Misty, congratulations on your new nose piercing.
I see people asking about Disney themed jewelry. That would be awesome. Disney is a licensed product so we would have to go through some stuff to get such a thing. But I'm glad people are asking and I will definitely let some higher up people know that people are asking about such a thing. So keep that in mind. We do have some licensed stuff. We've got like Playboy jewelry. We have NFL stuff. So if you have a favorite NFL team you can get nose studs.
I think we have industrials; we have a bunch of different things. Cartilage studs. Somebody's asking if we have shorter pregnancy belly rings instead of two inches. Probably not. The pregnancy belly rings are supposed to be really big like that because you need to allow for movement and swelling and stuff like that. And I'm not sure if you are pregnant or anything like that, but that is definitely why those are so long.
Are you asking about ... Destiny's asking about the process for gauges. So I assume you're asking about sizing up. If you ... Oh, Liz is saying you can actually cut them down too, if you wanted them to be smaller, which I didn't even know. So thank you Liz, she is the bomb. Coming in hot today; holy moly.
Ashley, we definitely have Steelers stuff.
So for stretching up, the first step is to decide you want to do it. The second step ... To be very honest, when I decided to start sizing up, I just went to my piercer, Anna, who I love so much at Cowpoke. And told her that that's what I wanted to do. She helped me pick out a pair of plugs that were a 12 gauge. So I went from an 18 gauge post to a 12 gauge which is like four sizes up. And what she did is she actually used a needle to help me size up to the 12.
It didn't even hurt. It didn't even feel like anything, because I already had the piercing. But it just helps with that initial stretching so that I did not have to wait so long. You can also go through the motions of the 16, the 14 with the tapers. And most of the time in the earlier sizes, you can size up like every two to four weeks, depending on what's going on and how you're body's dealing with it.
And then I think I noticed around zero and double zero it started taking me a lot longer to size up. And then I've been stuck at five eighths for awhile. Like well over a year, year and a half probably. And I was super bummed about it. And as I was saying earlier, I finally sized up two millimeters this week to an 18 millimeter from 16. Which I am very excited about. But something super interesting is I have really little ears. So when I was choosing what size I wanted, I saw a girl that had ... I still to this day ... I think she had double zeros and they looked so cute on her.
And then when I got to double zero, it looked different on my ear, because I think she had even tinier ears than me. And it looked bigger on her, and I wanted a bigger look. So I kept going. It's so hard to stop. I see people asking if we're going to get more teardrop plugs for an inch or larger. We have been working on getting in more stuff in larger sizes. It's difficult, because it's definitely a product that not as many people are looking for from us, usually.
But since we're starting to get such an increase, I have been making note. Because I feel like we're getting a lot of requests for the 25 to 26 millimeter range. So I will make a note of that, Emily.
Let me see, thank you everybody for being so sweet and so nice.
Jade, that is a fanagram poster. It's actually a vinyl. I also love now-now a lot. And actually this really awesome picture; here, let me just show you guys. This thing, this little ditty, so my husband's grandma used to do this really awesome art where she would put crystal glasses and put ink in them and then take photos and develop them. And that's what that is. So that's really awesome. We have a couple of them. Here, I'll show you guys another one. I'll show you guys another one. I got to take you off the mount, though.
This one's over my fireplace. Isn't that so cool. It looks kind of like lilacs or something. But it's huge and I love it. So I have lots of art. I have lots of art. We have pictures all over. This is another picture his grandma took in Arizona. I love taxidermy. I'll show you guys a little bit of my house. I've got some taxidermy stuff. I went to a couple of really cool places and got those.
I've got some cute little Halloween decorations up. So cute. It's my house, kinda. I'm a plant lady, so I've got lots of plants. I don't know if you guys want to see any of that. I'll give you guys a quick little ... We'll get a little spin going on here. It's trying to focus on me too. Maybe I should just use the opposite camera, like a smart person. So this is my little garden.
This is probably going to be my Christmas tree this year, because this leaf is like the size of my head. It's frickin' huge. I have a whole little corner. I love plants, so that's a little bit more about me. Let me see.
Hello, everyone. All right, so I think I'm probably going to get going in a couple of minutes here, so if you guys have any other questions, get them out now. Or forever hold your peace until next Friday. Or you can always hit me up. Just to go through our social media one more time. @bodycandy is our Twitter, @bodycandy is our Instagram, bodycandy.com is our Snapchat. Bodycandybodyjewelry on YouTube and Facebook. Snapchat again was a little slow this week because everything's been so crazy for me. I've been going hard, like all the wedding planning for the wedding I was in yesterday was really commencing this week and getting down to the nitty gritty.
And I had all that kind of stuff, so I was really, really working it through this week. But we have been slowly getting back on our scheduled programming of Snapchat. For anybody that's asking, piercing experiences, get pierced Thursday is going to be back this upcoming week. So I hope everybody is super pumped about that.
I love all of that kind of stuff.
Emily, my cats would also destroy cool dead things. So that's why mine are hung up. Because they have to stay up. They're good with leaves that don't move or sway like the snake plants. These, the tall ones over here, they're good with. But like this one, the big tree one, they'll eat everything. So keep that in mind.
Thank you, Destiny. So this is like my Tequila Sunrise makeup. How long do piercings take to heal? It depends on the piercing. Four to six weeks on average for a septum. Your nose, I feel like I had a hard time healing my nose. It took me like six or eight months and I feel like I had some issues with some bumps. That were actually truly related to, once my swelling went down, my nose stud was too long. And because it was moving all the time, it was causing irritation.
Most cartilage stuff takes about ten months to a year. And again, this can all vary.
Thanks, April. Are you talking about my bloodstone ring. I kind of ... I wish the lights weren't in the way, because it's got the coolest colors in it. But the lights are kind of taking away from it. It's like an evergreen color with a red ... It's like speckly, it's beautiful.
Above your lip and tongue piercings, how long for them? Okay, so your medusa is a little bit of a longer ... Like the initial piercing time ... Like your first couple of weeks, you're super swollen. Two to four months-ish, because it's a skin spot, but it shouldn't be too bad. But you are eating. I think your tongue is actually quicker. I can look that up for you, because I don't know.
Yeah, just three to four weeks on a tongue piercing. Because you're eating and stuff all the time and you have saliva and different enzymes and things like that that are always going around. So that's a little bit different.
How do you prevent bumps on your nose piercings? Any piercings, bumps and stuff, just try not to touch stuff. That's the most important part. Try not to mess with things. If you do touch your jewelry to clean it, make sure you're cleaning your hands first. That's super important.
I do see people saying with the nose stuff to change from hoops to studs and things like that. With cartilage piercings, that's absolutely true most of the time. Noses you have to be super careful with. I got pierced on this side with a ring, and I've never tried to not wear a ring in it. But these ones I was pierced with these studs and I tried to change into a ring and it was a little more uncomfortable for me. Because if you think about it, a stud is straight like this. A ring is going to be curved through. So you're going to heal different.
So if you're going to change from one to the other, you can expect a little bit of discomfort. For any of you that are on Snapchat, you guys found me being a little bit of a goober a couple of weeks ago. I tried to change my nose jewelry on an empty stomach and I did not realize that I had accidentally sized down ... The nose stud I wearing was like an 18 or a 20 gauge and I tried to pop back up to a 16, and then almost passed out. So that was a thing.
Taryn, I'm not sure about a bridge either, I can look that up for you too. This is all pretty standard. It's all available on Google. I love to use the APP website. If you guys ever need any medical or even semi-medical advice from somebody that's not a doctor ... Eight to twelve weeks, it says, for a bridge piercing.
And actually, I don't want to promise too hard, but I think we have somebody that's going to be willing to get their bridge pierced for us in the next couple of weeks here. So we're going to have that for our gap pierce Thursday for a piercing experience. You guys will be able to see someone get that done. It will be really awesome.
I'm finally going to be doing my high nostrils now that I'm done with all the sweating stuff. I was afraid of having a big old swollen nose, or like having a problem right before something so important. So I took my time, but now I can do that.
Kelly said I have a five sixteenth hoop in my daith; will a quarter hoop be too small. If the five sixteenth hoop is a little bit bigger on you and you think you have room to size down, it should be fine. I think I can technically wear a quarter inch studs in certain things. I know that's not the same thing as a hoop. I don't know, if you think you've got room, if the five sixteenth is roomy or a little big, then yes, most likely. The quarter inch would almost fit in my septum but it's like a little snug on me. And I'm assuming in your daith it's going to be the same thing. So just take that into consideration.
Yeah. So thanks so much for joining me tonight guys. This was really fun. If you guys have any other questions, feel free to hit me up on Snapchat or Instagram where I live, and make sure you join us tomorrow on selfie Sunday on Snapchat so you can send me pictures of your beautiful faces. And we'll share you.
I appreciate that everybody joined me.
Jasmine, if you have any questions like that, you can absolutely hit me up on our bodycandy Instagram. Hit us up on the DMs on there and I'll get to you asap. And thank you, Liz just posted another PSA. If you have any issues with a package or not being sure about your shipping or anything like that, make sure you're contacting customer service.
I've had to tell a bunch of people that I'm sorry I can't help them. So I just want to make sure that people know that I would love to be able to help you, but I can't. So I see one more question and then I'm going to get out of here. Vanessa asked for any tips on an eyebrow piercing, because she felt like hers never wanted to heal so she gave it up.
Again, everyone's body is different so I'm really not sure. Maybe again trying to keep it clean and not mess with it. I'm not sure, maybe that'll be an interesting live topic for an upcoming thing, to learn about why things might not heal. Because that could be super interesting.
So thanks so much for joining me, you guys. I hope you guys have an awesome weekend. I will see you all next week on Friday at 1:00 Eastern Standard Time as usual. If you were one of the people that don't normally get to catch me at 1:00 and this was way easier for you, make sure you leave like, how about we say a tree or a leaf emoji or something in the comments just so that when I go back and look later, I can look and kind of see how many little trees I have. If we get enough of them, I will make sure that I do this once a month where I can catch you guys a little bit later. And keep in mind we're going to start doing the live videos different places, kind of like we did a couple of weeks ago where I was down by the water.
Hi, Aunt Carrie, I love you. Bye, April. Bye, Casey. I will see you guys all so soon. Love you guys, bye.